Acipol - indications for use

Dysbacteriosis in recent years began to attach too much importance, linking it with any pathology of the immune system and the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, many people are fond of self-therapy, buying probiotics, for example, Acipol. Such preparations contain live microorganisms capable of forming active colonies on the mucous membranes of the intestine, thus helping to restore the balance of its microflora. But before you start taking it is important to know exactly what Acipol is prescribed for - the indications for use suggest only the intended use of the drug. Uncontrolled treatment can cause significant harm to the digestive system.

When should I use Acipol tablets?

The capsules described are a cultured mixture of acidophilic lactobacilli and kefir fungi, which effectively restores bacterial equilibrium in the intestine. In addition, Acipol exhibits antagonistic activity against opportunistic and harmful microbes, which contributes to an increase in the immunological status.

In accordance with the properties of this drug, indications to its use are also determined - true dysbacteriosis, as well as pathological conditions that provoke its development:

Still the use of the drug Acipol is advisable in the case of a deficiency of body weight caused by dysbiosis:

Prevention of imbalance of intestinal microflora with the help of the described drug is carried out only if there are corresponding chronic diseases.

The correct use of the drug Acipol

According to the instructions, the medicine should be taken 1 capsule half an hour before meals, 3 or 4 times every 24 hours. The course of therapy - from 5 to 8 days. Longer treatment is performed exclusively on the prescription of the doctor, preferably under his supervision.

Contraindications to the use of Acipole

The only reason why this probiotic can not be used is an increased sensitivity to lactobacilli, kefir fungi or ancillary components in the formulation.