Levomycetin alcohol

The alcohol solution of levomycetin is also often called levomycetinic alcohol. This drug is an effective local antibiotic and has been used for a long time in many fields of medicine, while levomycetin alcohol is of different concentrations - 5, 3, 1 and 0.25 percent. Let us consider in more detail how the active component of the drug works, under what indications is it rational to apply this medicine, and to whom is it contraindicated.

Pharmacological action of levomycetin alcohol

The drug is a colorless transparent liquid with a characteristic smell of ethyl alcohol. The active substance - levomycetin (chloramphenicol) - shows antibacterial activity against most of the known Gram-positive and Gram-negative microorganisms, including those that developed resistance to penicillin antibiotics, streptomycin, sulfonamides.

Namely, the drug contributes to the oppression of staphylococci, streptococci, Escherichia coli, dysentery bacillus, rickettsia, hemophilic rod, etc. This antibiotic is weakly active against acid-fast microbes, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, protozoan and clostridia. The resistance of infectious agents to levomitsetin develops slowly.

Indications for the use of levomycetin alcohol

The drug solution for external use can be recommended in the following main cases:

It should also be noted that in some cases, levomycetin alcohol is used to treat the umbilicus (umbilical wound) in newborn infants, if there is wetting, suppuration develops.

Use of Levomycetin Alcohol

As a rule, with purulent inflammatory cutaneous lesions, this remedy is recommended to be used twice or thrice a day to treat the damage zone. Thus it is necessary to put a solution either on a cotton swab or on a cotton swab, which then is processed. Levomycetin alcohol can also be used for occlusive dressing, which prevents contact of the affected area with air. The duration of the treatment course, as well as the need and the possibility of using other medications are determined individually by the attending physician.

Treatment of otitis with Levomycetin alcohol

When purulent inflammation of the middle or outer parts of the ear, caused by the penetration of pathogenic bacterial microflora (from the outside or from other parts of the body), antibiotics can not be avoided. In most cases, such diagnoses require complex therapy with the administration of systemic and topical antibiotics, as well as some other medications and procedures. Levomycetin alcohol effectively fights infection at the local level.

Applying levomitsetinovy ​​alcohol in otitis , it should be instilled in the ear - 2-3 drops twice a day in the affected ear canal. When the external location of the lesion is recommended to insert into the diseased ear a turunda, moistened in solution. Before use, the product should be heated to body temperature, and after instillation in you need to insert a piece of clean cotton wool. Duration of treatment - 5-7 days.

Contraindications to the use of levomycetin alcohol: