Steam burn - what should I do?

Women often get domestic trauma. One of the most common is a steam burn - what you need to know in this situation is necessary to be able to perform the necessary procedures on time, to prevent the consequences of skin damage.

First aid for a steam burn

There are 4 degrees of such injuries. The first two types are accompanied by severe reddening of the skin, pain syndrome. In addition, a steam burn sometimes causes blisters of small size, which eventually disappear on their own, and the epidermis exfoliates.

First aid consists in the following actions:

  1. Quickly cool the skin - substitute the affected areas under a stream of cold water or dip them into a container of liquid for 20 minutes.
  2. Treat the wound with an antiseptic that does not contain alcohol and irritants. Chlorhexidine is the best choice.
  3. Apply an anti-burn drug, for example, Panthenol, cream or spray. Good ointment from steam burns - Rescuer and Rescuer Plus, Vundehil.
  4. Apply a sterile bandage or bandage damaged areas. Change the tissue every 4 hours.

If extensive areas of the skin, eye area are affected, it is necessary to seek help from a specialist dermatologist.


Treatment of steam burn by folk methods

A good healing effect is a raw whipped egg yolk egg. The product should be applied a thick layer on the wound and allowed to dry a little. After 15 minutes, you can gently wash the treated area with cool water.

Another effective tool is honey. It is necessary to put on a burn and not too tightly to bandage. It is recommended to leave the bandage for half an hour, and then change it.

Similarly, you can use an aloe leaf, cut along. Side with the pulp and secreted juice should be wiped the affected dermis.

Therapeutic compress:

  1. Grate very finely or put a potato or a raw carrot in a blender.
  2. Flesh, not squeezing the juice, put on a piece of cheeseclayer in a layer of half a centimeter and put on the damaged skin, lightly press.
  3. Wrap the bandage with a bandage so that it adheres well, but does not squeeze the skin.
  4. Change the compress every 2 hours, using a freshly grubbed vegetable.

The given prescriptions are effective for burns of 1 and 2 degrees. More serious injuries require outpatient treatment.