Parathonsillar abscess

The disease is characterized by the onset of inflammatory processes occurring in areas adjacent to the tonsils, and is accompanied by swelling, which leads to swallowing disorders. Parantosylar abscess is most often a consequence of trauma or mucosal lesions in tonsillitis or tonsillitis.

Paratonsillar abscess - causes

The disease can be triggered by the following factors:

Paratonsillar abscess - symptoms

The first sign of the disease is a sore throat, which is observed during the first five days of the development of the disease. During this period, the remaining symptoms are little or nonexistent. As the inflammation develops, new abnormalities can be detected:

Paratonzillar abscess - complications

Absence of treatment can cause serious changes, very dangerous consequences with a reduced protective function of the body. An abscess can lead to the formation of phlegmon, which is accompanied by such impairments:

Especially dangerous is the transition of phlegmon into purulent mediastinitis, which leads to the following consequences of the paratonsillar abscess:

Paratonzillar abscess - treatment

No home methods will not help cope with the disease. Effective disease can be overcome only in a hospital under the supervision of doctors. In this case, the main role is given to surgical intervention, which, depending on the degree of development of the disease, can include such procedures:

  1. Extraction of pus with a syringe and the introduction of drugs.
  2. Opening of paratonsillar abscess with a scalpel and washing of the purulent focus. If necessary, repeat the procedure.
  3. Removal of tonsils is one-sided or bilateral. This operation is carried out by patients who often encounter with angina, as well as ineffective drainage procedures.

An important part of the treatment is taking antibiotics. Penicilli are the most effective for fighting such infections. In the event of an allergy, erythromycin is prescribed. General therapy involves pain medication, taking vitamins and boosting immunity.

After the drainage procedure, the patient can go home. Hospitalization may be required if the condition has not improved and the patient has complicating medical conditions, such as diabetes.