Patties with poppy seeds

We offer you a simple recipe for making homemade pies with poppy seeds. They literally melt in your mouth and turn out to be incredibly tender and airy. This kind of baking is perfect for a tea party in the circle of your household or guests.

Pies with poppy seeds from yeast dough


For filling:


In a bowl, sift through the sifted flour, dry yeast and throw a pinch of salt. Then pour in warm milk, melted butter, throw sugar and mix everything thoroughly. Next, break into the resulting mass of 2 eggs and knead the soft dough with your hands.

For filling, poppy seeds are washed, thrown into a pan with cold water and placed on a stove. We bring the contents to a boil and boil for 10 minutes, and then discarded into a sieve with small holes. After that, mash gruel is kneaded, adding sugar and honey to taste.

Raise the dough we divide into the same pieces and roll them on the table in a lozenge. In the middle of each billet we spread the stuffing and patch the edges. We cover the pan with oil, spread pies with poppy seeds, grease them with eggs on top and bake for 20 minutes in the oven.

Puff pastry with puff pastry poppy



Before we prepare the pies, we prepare the filling: pop the poppy in a bowl, fill it with water and bring it to a boil. Cook it for 5 minutes, and then remove from the plate, cover the lid and insist. Next, throw the poppy on a strainer, shake it, and then shift it into a piano and fall asleep with sugar. Carefully all mix and knead with a blender until smooth.

Ready-made puff pastry is taken from the freezer in advance, melted into a layer. In the bucket we boil water, throw a few teaspoons of sugar and mix until the crystals dissolve completely. Lubricate the dough with a sweet syrup and spread the poppy filling on top with a uniform layer. Fold the roll, cut with a sharp knife into small pieces, spread pies with poppy seeds on a baking tray and send it to the oven, greasing the products with a hammered egg. Bake the billets 35 minutes before the ruddy state at a temperature of 185 degrees.