Chamomile for newborns

Probably, newborns and children under three years old are the group that most actively uses the possibilities of phytotherapy. This is not surprising, because every mother is ready to try any alternative methods of healing and treatment for her baby before giving him a medical product. Side effects of herbs in comparison with conventional syrups, tablets, injections, of course, less.

For a long time in home medicine kits mothers could find mint, string, linden, calendula and, of course, chamomile. This plant is harvested for medical purposes in June-August. It is during this period that the camomile contains the greatest amount of essential oils. And although the whole plant is going to be whole, the flowers-baskets are of great value. Dry chamomile in the shade so that the oils do not lose their properties under the sun. There are also special household and industrial dryers. If you are not sure about the quality of the raw materials or the correctness of its drying, then for use for children it is better to buy packaged chamomile flowers in pharmacies. There are also filter bags, which are very convenient to use. The dried chamomile for newborns is used for bathing in the baths and for internal reception in the form of a decoction or infusion.

Bathing babies

In folk medicine, medicinal chamomile has been used for a long time. Today, even pediatricians recommend bathing a newborn baby in a camomile. It is known that infusion of chamomile is useful for the skin of newborns, as it has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Prepare the infusion is very easy. For a regular baby's bath it is enough to pour a tablespoon of dried chamomile flowers with one liter of boiling water and cover with a lid. When all the flowers settle on the bottom, the broth is added to the water in which the baby will bathe. Before you bathe the newborn in chamomile, do not forget to strain the infusion well so that the delicate skin does not get the particles of the plant. Moms note that chamomile for bathing newborns has not only an anti-inflammatory, but also a soothing effect. After bathing, babies sleep better. It is worth noting that the daily bath with chamomile for a newborn is not necessary. Chamomile is a medicinal plant, which is not recommended without need.

Chamomile tea

To use a decoction of chamomile for newborns is necessary only with the consent of the pediatrician. Like any other plant, chamomile can cause allergies. Herbal tea with chamomile for newborns is prescribed in cases when babies are tortured by colic. So, for infants the chamomile is salvation, if in the intestine there is fermentation, the accumulation of gases. In addition, chamomile pharmacy for newborns also has a diaphoretic effect, which is useful for colds. Prepare the broth so: a teaspoon of chamomile flowers (without a "slide") pour a glass of boiling water insist for about 30 minutes. The liquid is filtered, diluted with boiled water until , a pale yellow color (1: 1). Such a tea baby should be given three to four times a day after meals.

Precautionary measures

Prescribe medicinal herbs to a child, and chamomile, including, can not be independently, because phytopreparations are the same medicines, but having a natural origin. An increased dose or an incorrect concentration can cause harm to the baby and even cause poisoning. For this reason, it is up to the doctor to decide whether it is possible to give a newborn baby a chamomile and in what quantities. This concerns not only the reception of the decoction inward in the form of tea, but also bathing. A high concentration of decoction can over-dry the skin of the newborn and lead to irritation.