Why does the child have a green chair?

Problems with digestion in the baby of the first year of life - this is the most burning issue. After all, the baby is disturbed by colic, which means that the whole family tries, as it can, to alleviate the child's condition. The color of feces is also a cause for concern for many mothers. Seldom does anyone manage to raise a child who would not have known digestive problems for up to a year.

Why does the child have a green feces?

As soon as the baby was born, then the first few days of stool (meconium) are almost black, and finally become greenish. This is normal for the early period of the newborn.

In toddlers who are breastfed, more often than in artificial animals there is greenery in the excrements. For this there are several reasons - for example, after giving birth in the blood of the baby, there are mothers hormones that get to it in the body and through milk, and therefore the first three months of greenish feces can occur from time to time.

The infant has an immature digestive system that reacts sensitively to any errors in the feeding of the nursing mother. If a product from its diet is not perceived by the child's organism, then it reacts immediately with the green chair, which is why, while breastfeeding, the mother should have a clear idea of ​​what foods can be consumed and which can not be taken .

A few weeks after birth, the baby's stool can be painted green due to the increased level of bilirubin, from which the body gets rid. This must be reported to the district pediatrician.

Green and liquid stool may be in front of, or during a cold disease, and also occurs with teething.

Why does the child have a green diarrhea?

The most dangerous for the baby of the first year of life is diarrhea, which quickly dehydrates the body, washing away vital microelements. If the feces are green, frothy and fetid, then most likely this is poisoning.

It could have happened through the fault of the mother, when the bacteria through the milk or dirty hands get to the baby. If the child is older than six months, the poison of the poison becomes his new diet - the product could be stale or kept in unfit for storage conditions.

Green stools in a child of normal consistency, can be when introducing complementary foods. New products color the feces in a greenish tint. The digestive system still does not completely cope with the innovation, and reacts in a similar way.