Is it possible to baptize a child in Lent?

In the Orthodox tradition, to which most mothers and dads belong, the baptism of the baby is a very important event, meaning, as it were, the second, spiritual birth of the crumbs. Usually parents prepare for him very carefully, choosing the godparents, who will further instruct their children in the Orthodox faith. Baptism is one of the seven hidden sacraments of the Church. Believers believe that a toddler who is three times immersed in a font, calling for his protection the Blessed Trinity, dies for a life full of sin, and cleansed for eternal life in God, while receiving his own guardian angel.

But sometimes the child is born shortly before the bright holiday - Easter, or for some reason you need to perform this ceremony just before this date. And then the question arises: is it possible to baptize a child in Lent? Many parents who are not perfectly familiar with religious rituals believe that this can not be done. Therefore, let us consider this question in more detail.

Is baptism of the baby acceptable during this period?

If you hesitate and do not know if it is worthwhile to church a crumb before Easter, it is best to go to the nearest church and ask the local priest. Most likely, when answering the question whether it is possible to baptize your child in Lent, he will tell you the following:

  1. It is customary to baptize a child on the fortieth day after birth. Of course, it is permissible to do this sooner or later, but it is better to still meet these deadlines so that your son or daughter will not be left without spiritual protection. Therefore, if this date falls on Lent, baptism is not only possible, but also necessary. In addition, strict prohibitions on the performance of this rite are absent these days, therefore in the temple you are unlikely to refuse to carry out the sacrament.
  2. Although baptism during Lent is fairly common, it is sometimes impossible to carry it out for technical reasons. In many churches during this period are baptized only on Saturday and Sunday. This is due to the fact that on weekdays the Lenten services are too long, therefore the intervals between the morning and evening services are small. Thus, a priest may simply not be in time to conduct a rite, but it is unlikely that Mom and Dad will want it to be held in a hurry. In addition, baptism is usually performed after the liturgy, which ends late on weekdays. Not everyone who wants to attend the rite will be able to stand it, and according to the canons it is necessary.
  3. Although the answer to the question, whether it is possible to baptize during Lent, will be positive, yet think carefully about whether you and the future godparents are ready for some self-restraint. After all, in the pre-Easter period, the church does not approve of noisy feasts and the use of alcoholic beverages. It is in fasting that one should abstain from all excesses, turn from the worldly to the spiritual and repent of sins. Therefore, you will have to give up too much cheerful celebration and confine yourself to a quiet lunch in the circle of the closest.
  4. Special requirements at this time are imposed on the godparents. They will become spiritual conductors of the baby in this world, so they must necessarily confess and take communion. It is also advisable to visit a few conversations at the temple in order to better understand the responsibility assumed.

Baptism in Lent does not negate the traditional rules that should be observed in the temple. Women wear long skirts or dresses and cover their head with a scarf, all present must wear crosses, and female representatives should not have a period. Naturally, during the ritual you should observe silence and not express your emotions violently.