Types of perception in psychology

With the help of this article, you will learn all the nuances associated with the types and properties of perception. Perception is a mental process that shows the reflection of what is happening in reality, while uniting the various parts and properties of these phenomena and objects, affecting the senses of man.

We suggest you familiarize yourself with the types and basic properties of perception.

Types of perception and their characteristics

Perception is divided into the following types:

Tactile perception

Tactile perception includes a system of touch, tactile, skin contact. In this type of perception, the human body is the organ of touch - it is with their help that it receives information that consciousness processes. Also, some objects have such properties that a person can not perceive with the help of smell, sight or hearing.

Auditory perception

Auditory perception begins to develop in a person from birth and is very important for a full life. Auditory perception implies the ability of a person to determine and distinguish various sounds of the surrounding world with the help of their basic characteristics and definitions. These characteristics include the ability to distinguish between different sounds by volume, speed, timbre and pitch. Without auditory perception, a person is considered inferior, which is why auditory perception is so important for every person.

Visual perception

Also, the main types of perception include the visual. It implies the unification of the processes of creating and building the visual image of the surrounding world rights. These processes include the difference in color tones, the definition of the color itself, the assessment of darkness and lightness, brightness. All these processes arise in humans at the subconscious level and have an instinctive, innate character. The correct development of the perception of the visual is extremely important for man. It helps him correctly navigate in space. With the help of visual perception, a person can evaluate how objects are in relation to each other. Understands what kind of three-dimensional things are. Visual perception is important to develop from the moment of the birth of the child, then it starts to work visual functions. A person with insufficient visual perception may experience certain difficulties, especially when studying creative work, writing, and also he may have difficulty in studying speech grammar.