Consciousness and subconsciousness

Consciousness and subconscious are inextricably linked. One is the outer shell, the other is the content, covered with a veil of mystery, even in our modern times. Now many specialists are trying to discover effective and simple methods of working with the subconscious through the mind of a person. Currently, such techniques are not yet available to everyone.

Consciousness and subconsciousness: psychology

It is worth noting that the consciousness and subconsciousness of the person should not be perceived as something very complicated and incomprehensible. Consciousness is our mind, our ideas about the world, how we perceive the model of the world offered to us by parents and teachers. It is worthwhile to understand that the model of reality and actual reality are different things. So if our consciousness perceives exactly the model of the world that our culture offers us. But the subconscious perceives the world itself, the way it is, proceeding from our unconditioned reflexes.

Consciousness and subconsciousness (the unconscious ) are directly connected: the subconscious creates our reality, and consciousness plays the role of an observer of this reality. Experts are sure: by working on the subconscious, one can perfectly learn to change their reality and find a way out of the most difficult situations. And it is supposed to influence him simply - to change his thoughts. The more you think about your good, the better everything becomes. And vice versa. That is, the materialization of thoughts is the simplest version of the interaction of consciousness and subconsciousness.

Conflict of consciousness and subconsciousness

Conflicts of consciousness and subconsciousness can lead to various neuroses. Such situations happen to us quite often: for example, the girl quarreled with her colleagues and does not want to solve problems. And then she starts to get sick, goes to the sick-list, and more so for a long time that the doctors are already raising her hands. And this is just a struggle of the subconscious and consciousness - the inner girl is afraid to solve the conflict and is inclined to avoid it, despite the fact that sooner or later she will have to go to work and solve the problem.

As is clear from the example, the subconscious does not make concessions, it waits for a person to break down, and the stronger the conflict, the worse consequences are. And it turns out that it is because of the conflict of consciousness and subconsciousness that we have diseases, obsessions, fears, irritations. And the sooner you understand your subconscious and you can find an approach to it, the easier it will be to solve any protracted problem.