Money can not buy happiness

Money is the object of the dream of all the inhabitants of our country, and indeed of the planet as a whole. If you think so, then any of our professional activities, this is a way to approach happiness. Here the question is not how much money is needed to feel this elusive state, but how much money we need not to think about everyday problems, but simply enjoy life.

How much money is needed for happiness?

Let's take a closer look at this moment of the relationship between material wealth and the state of absolute happiness.

We feel good only when we have the opportunity to realize ourselves in society, somehow express ourselves and bring to our lives a sense of novelty. Here we just understand that without money we will not manage to fulfill not one of the above stated points and as a result be happy.

Proverb is not in money happiness makes us think about this problem. And then in our minds the question arises involuntarily: "is money really in the money?"

Every day we are faced with the fact that the poor are very rarely satisfied with their lives and this is a fact. For a woman is very important is the presence of a number not just a loving and physically healthy man, but also an earner who is able, if not satisfy any of her whims, then at least meet the immediate needs. There should be so much money that you can not think about them. But here everything depends on the level of needs of each of us.

If we take it at a minimum, women need a sum for full-fledged existence, which allows satisfying the basic physiological needs: in food, clothing, housing, health and safety. Only in such conditions a lady can be calm, confident and not worry about elementary household chores.

Money is needed for us so that the question "why" does not arise. If you want to cook dinner, then you go to the supermarket and buy up all the most delicious. Otherwise, if you can not afford it and ask yourself the question "why do not I have enough money for this?".

Do money bring happiness?

Material wealth - this is only a means to achieve bliss, and not as not this very feeling in its pure form. Happiness for money can not be bought when it comes to things that are beyond our control. For money, you can not buy life and love, but these two concepts are the main components of the existence of mankind.

It is very easy to solve problems, having great opportunities, but no money is unable to change destiny. Sociologists have conducted more than one study in this field. Their results show that the material security allows a person to rise in the eyes of other people, which brings a sense of self-satisfaction, allows you to experience positive emotions.

It is interesting that New Zealand was recognized as the happiest nation, while in terms of income per capita it was only 22nd. There is no point in paying for your happiness, you just need to learn how to see and feel it.

Listen to yourself, and if you feel that it is the untold riches that can make you happy, then so it is. And if you think that a cozy house and a loving family for you is happiness, then you are the person who can be absolutely happy without money.

They say happiness is not in money, and we can not disagree with this, as millionaires and businessmen, although they are able to make dreams real, but still very rarely can boast of a large number of positive experiences. Happiness should be perceived as a process, and not as a result of the possession of large material resources.