How to cope with the insult?

Everyone in his life had to be offended. Many felt the feeling of resentment. From the point of view of physiology, it can be described as the heaviness in the thoracic zone, the formation of a coma in the throat, the feeling that it is about to cry. By the way, a lump formed in the throat testifies to unspoken words, for one reason or another. Soon they turn into an internal dialogue with the abuser, in your mind you scroll all that the abuser would say. Subsequently, all of your internal energy seems to dry up with the advent of every such dialogue that destroys us from within.

How can we cope with the insult?

The feeling of resentment visits when, for example, a person close to you does something that he could not be expected from. Strangely enough, but resentment occurs when, created by you, the picture in your mind does not coincide with the events of reality. Then, when you unconsciously expect any action from a person, you put your hopes, and he did not justify them, and this insult arises.

It should be noted that feelings of resentment are not caused by circumstances surrounding you people, but by your emotional reaction to what is happening. Therefore, in order to overcome the insult, you need to understand to yourself that:

  1. Nobody owes you anything. It makes no sense to put any hopes on a person without telling him about it.
  2. Man himself creates happiness in his life. Only by your own work you can achieve what provides you comfort, harmony.
  3. Determine your life goals and priorities independently.

In the event that it happened that we did not manage to get away from offense, we will consider the technology how to overcome this insult:

  1. So, to begin with, imagine yourself a toddler, feel the state of insecurity and offense.
  2. Admit that you are weak in this situation and feel resentment.
  3. Determine what expectations for a particular person have not materialized.
  4. Estimate what happened from the side. Recognize that everyone has the right to freedom of choice and action.
  5. Ask your colleague openly to do what you expect of him.

How to cope with feelings of resentment?

  1. Share with paper what you expect from your environment. Think about how you want to be taken care of, etc. If possible, ask these people how real your hopes and expectations are for them.
  2. Make a second list. In it, state what the people around you expect of you. There may be a reason for your behavior.
  3. Analyze these lists. Understand how your hopes coincide with expectations of others.

And do not forget that allowing insults to break into your life, you, thereby, worsen your health, and this does not lead to anything good.