Social roles of personality

Personality is peculiar to occupy some vital position, and this, in turn, generates social roles that are used in certain circumstances.

Personality, as the bearer of social roles

The term "social role" should be understood as a model of behavior that meets the requirements, expectations, long prescribed by society. In other words, these are the actions necessary to fulfill a person occupying a certain social status. As an example, we will analyze the social role of the "doctor". Many expect that he will be able in a matter of minutes to provide first aid or cure a disease you do not know. In the case when the person fails to fulfill the roles prescribed by its status, and also to justify the expectations of others, certain sanctions are applied to it (the head deprives him of his office, the deprivation of parents of parental rights, etc.)

It is important to note that the social role of the individual in society has no boundaries. In an instant you play the role of a buyer, in another - a caring mother. But sometimes the simultaneous execution of several roles can lead to their collision, to the emergence of a role conflict . A vivid example of this is the consideration of the life of a woman mother, keen on building a successful career. So, it is not easy for her to combine such typical social roles as her: a loving wife, a responsible worker, a mother whose heart is full of tenderness towards her baby, a keeper of the home, etc. In such situations, psychologists recommend that in order to avoid the above conflict, set priorities, giving first place to the social role, which is most attracted.

It is worth noting that this choice largely determines the values that dominate, the list of personal priorities and, finally, prevailing circumstances.

It will not be superfluous to mention that both formal (those that are fixed by law) and informal social roles (behavioral norms, rules that are inherent in every society) are classified.

Social attitudes and roles of the person

The social position should be attributed to the status, a certain prestige, which is attributed to the individual through public opinion. It is a general characteristic of a person in society (financial position, belonging to certain social groups, profession, education, etc.)