How to overcome shyness?

A slight tremor throughout the body, frequent palpitations and stiffness of movements. Do you constantly face these unpleasant sensations when you are among people? So you have problems. Indecisiveness not only negatively affects your well-being, but can also ruin your life. Just think about what good you are depriving yourself of because of insecurity in your actions and indecisiveness in your actions! Relations, career, communication with people - all these vital benefits become inaccessible and can lead to real depression. What to do and how to get rid of shyness? We will discuss this vital issue.

Causes of shyness

What is a feeling of indecisiveness and embarrassment? It is an inner fear of revealing itself to the world around us. As is known, by type of character people are divided into extroverts (open and outgoing) and introverts (closed and unsociable). Indecisive personalities are of the second type. The main reason for restraint is self-doubt. To people suffering from numerous complexes, it seems that the people around them also see all these shortcomings in them. But are they really there? In most cases, human complexes are far-fetched and have no real basis. Their emergence, as a rule, is promoted by criticism from relatives, who do not always realize that they make a terrible mistake. For example, a loving mother constantly criticizes a little girl for the slightest misconduct: "You're a slob," "The old woman's way will not come out of you", "But who will marry you like this?" Surely many people have heard such phrases. They then become a program that has been deposited in my head and does not allow me to enjoy life. How can we now learn how not to be shy, to become a confident and successful woman? It will take a little work, but believe me, it's worth it.

How to overcome shyness?

Overcoming shyness is a process that must begin with inner work on oneself, gradually turning to practical actions. Our advice will help you in this, how to deal with shyness:

  1. Determine in which situations you feel that you are shy. It can be big companies, new acquaintances, public appearances or intimate relationships with a guy. Make a list of such moments. Soon you will start working with them in practice.
  2. Learn to relax. This will help you to maintain self-control in many situations and to treat them more calmly. Choose for yourself breathing exercises, engage in yoga or meditation.
  3. Study others. Sometimes it is enough to simply observe from the side of actions and actions of self-confident and sociable people. Remember the smile, gestures, manners, clothes and everything that seems important to you in how to overcome your shyness.
  4. Learn to appreciate yourself and not compare your personality with others. This task is the most difficult. A girl by nature is difficult to remain calm, while others have chic dresses, interesting accessories and attention from the guys. But if you decide for yourself that you are not worse than the others and also have your own flavor, you will soon notice how the attitude of others will change.
  5. Educate self-confidence. Do what you previously feared. Only in this way will you get rid of unnecessary fear and realize that your shyness was useless. Know that you are a person with a capital letter and be independent of the opinions of people. What does it matter what they thought? It's only your life and the rest it touches little.

After practicing all the above tips, you need to move on to the key moment. Namely, the solution of the most urgent issue - how to overcome the girl's shyness to the opposite sex.

How to stop being embarrassed by guys?

The first thing you need to remember - most guys do not even know you have any complexes. And to tell them that you are afraid of something or are shy, it is strictly forbidden. In a woman there must be a mystery, and let all your fears remain a mystery to him. Men are attracted to successful, confident women, and not "blue stockings" modestly and alone standing at the wall during a slow dance.

If you have already moved to another stage and you have a young man, a new problem is emerging - you do not know how to stop shy in bed. This case is completely neglected and occurs even in quite self-confident individuals. What is the reason? Of course, in extra folds, a small chest, an ugly pose and barely noticeable cellulite. And many more girls do not know how to overcome shyness in sex, effectively deliver their pleasure to their man and do not look foolish at the same time.

  1. Prepare for an intimate meeting in advance. Naturally, you need to do hair removal, manicure and pedicure. Lingerie also matters. Do not you dare go to bed with him in pajamas with cubs or trousers with ruffles. The best option - negligee and neat panties-thong.
  2. Do not completely turn off the light. Leave a night light or light a candle in the room. This will help to hide part of your body and add interest from the male.
  3. How not to be shy in bed? Just relax! Of course, you need to arrange a place and time for a meeting in advance. To ensure that there were no parents behind the wall, you completely trusted your partner, and time did not run out. Also cope with the excitement of a bottle of champagne. Close your eyes and give yourself freedom from prejudices, fears and worries. You, of course, deserve a huge portion of caresses and tenderness. So why deprive yourself of this good? It's not embarrassing, but quite natural. If you do not have experience, this will only please the man. He himself will gladly teach you everything.

If your partner after sex has not ceased to communicate with you, and wanted to repeat everything, then it all arranged and feel shy no longer makes sense. Remember - you are a beautiful creation of nature, and ideal people do not exist. Learn to love yourself and see your dignity. Then a feeling like shyness will not dare to spoil your life any more.