Milk thistle (schrot) - indications and contraindications for use

A thorn, silvery or Mariin tatarnik, a milk thistle - these are all the names of a useful medicinal plant called milk thistle. Especially widely in medicine (folk and traditional) its seeds and flour from them are used. In pharmacy chains, this powder is known as milk thistle - the indications and contraindications to the use of this herbal preparation, for the most part, are relevant for hepatology.

Useful properties of milk thistle and main contraindications

The main active ingredient of seeds of milk thistle is silymarin - a unique natural substance belonging to the group of antioxidants, which has the following positive effects on the liver:

In addition, the presented phytochemical produces other beneficial effects:

Together with the use of milk thistle, it is important to mention contraindications to its reception - individual intolerance of plant components, pregnancy. If there are any severe chronic illnesses before starting the course of therapy, you need to get a specialist consultation.

Indications for the use of thistle milk thistle

As already mentioned, the main field of medicine, which uses flour from the seeds of thorns - hepatology, which studies the diseases of the liver, gall bladder and bile ducts. The milk thistle is prescribed for such pathologies:

Also, the intake of the powder in question helps in the treatment of diseases of the digestive organs, among which:

Other indications for using seed meal from the seeds of the described plant are:

Side effects and contraindications to the use of thistle milk thistle

Doctors prohibit the use of the presented drug only in case of its individual intolerance and during pregnancy in any trimesters.

Apparently, the indications and contra-indications of the milk thistle shroud are not comparable. Therefore, in the absence of an allergy to flour from the seeds of the thorn, it can be safely taken even for the prevention of the diseases listed above.