Valerian Extract

The extract of valerian in today's active life is very popular among people. The thing is that the medicine helps to cope with such problems as insomnia and increased nervous excitability. In combination with others it is used to treat the cardiovascular system, as well as gastric and intestinal cramps.

Methods of application and dosage of valerian extract

The exact course of treatment is determined only after the delivery of all necessary tests. For adults, basically, a course of therapy consisting of taking two to four tablets several times a day is prescribed. Most often, four to five meals per day are prescribed. In this case, people suffering from pathologies of the kidneys or liver, do not need a dose adjustment. In general, the course of therapy is a month. In some cases, it can change - it all depends on the personal reaction of each person to the medicine.

Overdose of Valerian Extract

Manufacturers of this medication do not describe any negative effects on the body when taking an excessive amount of the drug. But experts who conducted a lot of experiments, highlight several main points that are associated with an overdose (the amount taken was exceeded 20 times recommended). Most often, physicians observed in different patients the depression of the central nervous system, which was manifested by lethargy, drowsiness and inhibition. In especially severe cases arrhythmia and aetiology appeared.

In case of an overdose, it is necessary to immediately stop taking the medicine, to clean the stomach and intestines with activated charcoal . In addition, magnesium sulfate is used to provide a small laxative effect. There is no special antidote.

Contraindications Valerian extract

The drug is not recommended for use in people who have increased intolerance of certain components (including beekeeping derivatives). In addition, it is undesirable to accept such categories of persons:

Use of the drug is prohibited for pregnant women in the first trimester. During the second and third, and also during lactation, the application is recommended only when the expected benefit will be better than the existing potential risk for the mother, baby or fetus. Before taking it is necessary to consult with a specialist who prescribes the medicine, based on the indications of the body.

Special instructions for the intake of valerian extract

During the entire period of application of the valerian extract, it is necessary to take special care for such an occupation as driving a car, especially for long distances. In addition, it is desirable, if possible, to abandon other potentially hazardous activities that require increased concentration of human attention and rapid motor reaction. Especially if they directly affect the vital activity of the body.

How to drink liquid valerian extract?

The medicine in the form of a tincture is not considered to be potent. Most often it is prescribed as an additional drug for complex treatment. Adults can take 15-30 drops, mixed in 100 ml of water several times a day. It is advisable to do this 30 minutes before meals.

Tincture of an extract of valerian lowers arterial pressure, the truth it was observed only after a high-grade course of treatment. This form of the drug relieves anxiety and removes the spasms of the organs of excretion and digestion. Promotes accelerated falling asleep.