Oregano - useful properties and contraindications

Oreganica (other names: winter marjoram, motherboard) is a perennial herbaceous plant with a height of 30 to 80 cm with a strong aromatic odor. Medicinal properties of oregano are known for a long time, and mention of it is found in the works of Avicenna, Pliny, Hippocrates. In addition, because of its smell, oregano is often used not only for medicinal purposes, but also as a seasoning. True, not everyone knows that the popular seasoning of oregano is oregano, because the botanical name of the plant is Origanum vulgare.

What is useful about oregano?

In the oregano grass contains essential oil (0.15-1.2%), which includes thymol, bi- and tricyclic sequiterpene, boundary, carvacrol, free alcohols, tannins and a large amount of ascorbic acid.

Due to thymol and carvacrol, the herb of oregano has bactericidal properties.

Decoctions and infusions of oregano have a calming effect on the nervous system, normalize the work of the intestines, enhance the secretion of the digestive glands, have mucolytic and antipyretic effects.

It is widely used in neurotic states, to combat insomnia, gastritis , stomach and bowel spasms, liver, gallbladder, urinary tract diseases, bronchitis, tonsillitis, colds.

Apply broth oregano and externally, as lotions and compresses - with rashes, eczema, boils and boils.

Oregano is useful as a stimulant and tonic for smooth muscles of the uterus and is recommended for delayed menstrual periods , which is actively used by folk medicine.

Contraindications to the use of oregano

In addition to the many useful properties of oregano, there are also contraindications to its use. Since the oregano causes a decrease in the uterus, taking drugs with it is strictly contraindicated to pregnant women, as this can provoke a miscarriage. Also, given the stimulating effect on various glands, preparations with oregano should not be taken to people with a stomach ulcer, increased secretion of gastric juice, with a history of various colic, with severe heart and vascular disease.

Application of oregano

  1. In official medicine, oregano is a part of the drug Urolesan . It is used in diseases of the kidneys and urinary system, and in the composition of sweatshops and nurses. Also in the pharmacy, you can always buy herb oregano, pressed into briquettes of 75 grams, divided by furrows into 10 lobules.
  2. Oregano for women with a delay in menstruation . It is widely used in folk medicine. Most often make infusion of oregano: 1 tablespoon of herbs pour a glass of boiling water and insist an hour in a thermos, after which take 2 tablespoons 5 times a day for a month. Another recommended herbal collection of oregano and tansy (3 parts), wormwood (1 part), swans and field horsetail (4 parts each). Three tablespoons of the collection pour a liter of boiling water and insist for an hour. The broth is taken by ½ cup to 6 times a day.
  3. Tea with oregano - a good remedy for cough and colds. To prepare breast tea, a mixture of oregano (1 part), althea roots and leaves of mother-and-stepmother (2 parts) is prepared. A tablespoon of the collection is poured into two glasses of boiling water, insist for a quarter of an hour, filter and drink half a glass 2-3 hours after a meal in a warm form. As a diaphoretic, use a mixture of berries raspberries, oregano and coltsfoot (2: 1: 2), which take at least three times a day for half a cup.
  4. To wash wounds and skin inflammations, prepare a decoction of oregano: 1 tablespoon of herb for 0, 5 liters of boiling water.

Brew oregano, like any other medicinal plant, it follows, pouring boiling water or insisting on a water bath, not leading up to a boil - otherwise the broth may lose a significant part of the beneficial properties.