Home parrots - species

We love parrots for their bright, elegant appearance, talkativeness, good intelligence, cheerful disposition. But each person picks up a feathered pet individually. One likes the types of parrots with a tuft, others want a large speaking bird, like the pirate Flint, the third is only suitable for small creatures who require a minimum of care.

Types of parrots for domestic content

Large birds

  1. Ara are the most famous, the largest, but at the same time, the most expensive parrots. Huge beautiful birds grow up to 90 cm long and can even represent a certain danger for the awkward master, they are able to easily bite off a finger from a man.
  2. Jaco is able to survive his master, some live up to 80 years. It is believed that according to intelligence they are at the level of a 4-year-old baby person.
  3. Cicadas are also long-lived (some live up to 100 years). In size, they grow to 60 cm.
  4. If you liked Amazons , then remember that they are capricious, can only fall in love with one master from the whole family, and the rest will be treated with disbelief.

Home parrots - medium species (from 20 to 30 cm)

  1. Corellas - they are distinguished by orange cheeks and tufts, than they resemble large cockatoos.
  2. Lorikety - the brightest parrots, having a variety of plumage, love to eat flowers.
  3. Senegalese parrot - their color is gray-orange and not as mottled as the lore, but they are better suited for training.

Small parrots (up to 20 cm)

  1. This includes species of very common and accessible wavy parrots .
  2. In the second place can be identified species, which are called parrots are inseparable . The name is very true, they really form the faithful romantic couples that exist all life.

Many people buy these birds solely for their ability to imitate human speech. For them, we list the types of talking parrots that are the most capable pupils - the gray Jacob, the Amazons, the cockatoo, and the macaw. Common and not expensive wavy parrots can learn to pronounce a few words, but only in the case when dealing with them constantly and from an early age.