One cat catches one eye

Lacrimation in animals is one of the protective reactions to an external stimulus of an internal or external nature. A certain amount of mucus in the corners of the eyes after sleeping is normal for cats. If the allocation is permanent, the behavior or appearance of the pet has changed - go to the vet clinic.

The cat has watery eyes - the causes and symptoms

Only a veterinarian can diagnose, do not engage in amateur activities when it comes to the health of your pet. There are many reasons for this problem.

Conjunctivitis is mainly a consequence of pathological abnormalities in the body during herpesvirus and calicivirosis , sometimes it is an independent disease. Sour eyes can begin because of the presence of parasites in the intestines or even simple colds. Bruising, trauma, mechanical or radiation irritation also entails such a reaction. Souring often occurs during an allergy. Irritant can be any chemical substance, sometimes food, pollen of some plant and even poplar fluff. Excretions from the eyes are accompanied by keratitis, uveitis, eversion of the eyelids, lagophthalmus - all these are serious eye diseases.

What should alert you? If the animal constantly rubs his eyes with paws - this is the first signal for the owners. Anxious is the swelling in the eye area. To guard should hair loss in the eye area of ​​the pet, the next step - the development of dermatitis and eczema. The pathology is indicated by the transition of transparent tears to a more dense consistency. Pay attention to the reddish and brown channels located in the corners of the eyes. To guard you should be the apathy of the pet for games, food, depression, photophobia. More susceptible to infections kittens. The kitten has one eye peeling - be careful. Conjunctiva swelled, reddened, stepped outside the eye itself - hurry to a specialist.

The eyes of a cat creep - treatment

Why one or both eyes are watered, only a specialist can determine. A full examination will be required, after which, based on clinical signs, a diagnosis will be made and a course of treatment appointed. It will take information about the vaccination of the cat and the nature of its behavior in the last period of time. An analysis of the conjunctival sac may be required.

When the cause of the violations is identified, you can proceed to treatment. With any kind of conjunctivitis, it will be necessary to wash the eyes with various antiseptic agents: potassium permanganate, furatsilinom in the ratio 1: 5000. Bacterial conjunctivitis is "afraid" of instillation with aqueous solutions of Sulfacil sodium, Kanamycin, Levomycitin, Sofradex. You need to drip a few drops in each eye 4-5 times a day. It is possible to use eye films, ointments with antibiotics three times a day. If the swelling is impressive, here you can not do without injecting solutions of novocaine and hydrocortisone into the eyeball area.

If a cat has got something in the eye, before you start to remove the foreign body, you must enter painkillers. The picture will not be so pleasant. The lower and upper eyelids are turned outward, the tweezers will get all the unnecessary, you will also need an injection needle, a cotton swab dipped in sodium chloride (8.5%). If the eye damage is significant, you will have to cope with the problem surgically.

With eye souring, afterwards allergic reactions are easily treated with hormonal drugs. The main task is to protect the animal from an irritating factor, otherwise the effect of treatment will be insignificant.

Timely treatment will quickly return your pet to a normal life!