Spondylarthrosis of the cervical spine

Does your neck hurt? Perhaps this is spondyloarthrosis - a very common disease of the spine, most often affecting people of advanced age. Although spondyloarthrosis is more common for the lumbar spine, it often affects the cervical vertebrae.

Symptoms of spinal cord spondylarthrosis

The following symptoms and symptoms may be the reason for contacting a doctor with suspicion of a spinal cord spasm of the cervical spine:

Initially, the symptoms of spondylarthrosis can occur suddenly, eventually turning into a constant aching pain, limiting the movement of the neck and the occurrence of muscle spasms.

Spondylarthrosis of the cervical spine - treatment

Using an X-ray or a more accurate method of diagnosis - an MRI, the doctor will be able to diagnose. As a rule, a snapshot is made in the maximally unbending and maximally bending position of the neck. If you have been diagnosed with spondyloarthrosis, treatment should be started immediately, as destruction of the peri-vertebral cartilage can lead to an irreversible process of deformation of the vertebral bone with all subsequent negative manifestations. The most innocuous among them is the impossibility of turning the head painlessly.

Treatment of spondylarthrosis of the cervical spine is carried out in a complex manner. During an exacerbation prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as pain medications. At subsequent stages, physiotherapy procedures are recommended, and exercises aimed at strengthening the neck muscles. To improve nervous patency appoint the intake of vitamin B6.

Among the procedures that have an undisputed advantage in the treatment of spondylarthrosis can be noted:

It is important to know that cervical spondylarthrosis excludes deep massage, especially during the period of exacerbation. Therefore, it is not recommended to massage yourself. It is better to trust a professional medical professional.

There are also some recommendations for therapeutic gymnastics. The first exercises at the beginning of cervical spondylarthrosis treatment should last no more than five seconds. The initial course of exercise is preferably performed under the supervision of a doctor. Then the duration of the gymnastics sessions and the load gradually increase, again only after agreeing with your vertebrologist.

Causes of spondylarthrosis of the cervical spine

To prevent the subsequent development of the deforming spondylarthrosis of the cervical spine or to exclude it, it is worthwhile to have an idea of ​​some provoking factors for the onset of such an ailment. What are the causes of spondylarthrosis of the cervical spine? In addition to injuries and congenital pathologies of the spine, patients with scoliosis may suffer from spondylarthrosis. People who work in a stationary state also fall into the risk group. "Illness of intellectuals" - that's how you can call cervical spondyloarthrosis. If you have to work a lot in one position, without bending your neck, try to designate the time for breaks. Do preventive neck gymnastics. Every hour warm up, twirl your head around and around, move, walk around the room to improve the general circulation. Thus, you can prevent not only spondylarthrosis, but also many other diseases of the spine.