Milk and vegetable diet

Milk-vegetable diet is popular in both losing weight and in medicine. Despite the fact that many doctors are confident that without a meat a person can not eat fully, with a variety of diseases, such as diabetes, to restore the health of the patient is prescribed a vegetable-milk diet. This diet is balanced, it supplies the body with all the necessary substances and has a lot of useful properties.

Protein and vegetable diet

By itself, a vegetable diet, although it is very organic for humans, still does not provide the necessary amount of protein and some elements, for example, B vitamins, which can only be obtained from food of animal origin. But her version, where the gifts of nature are supplemented with dairy products, as a rule, no objections.

If you want to achieve such a weight loss diet, be prepared to give it at least 10-14 days. In general, you can eat this way for as long as you want, until you reach the optimal weight. We offer an approximate diet for one day:

  1. Breakfast : tea with milk, a piece of cheese.
  2. Second breakfast : any fruit of your choice.
  3. Lunch : a serving of vegetarian vegetable, cereal or milk soup, vegetable salad.
  4. Afternoon snack : fruit salad.
  5. Dinner : a portion of fat-free cottage cheese with natural yoghurt.
  6. Before going to bed : a glass of 1% kefir.

It is important to eat regularly, 1 time in 2,5-3 hours. This approach will restore the metabolism and enrich the body with all the necessary trace elements, and this, in addition to the obvious benefit that excess weight will melt before our eyes.

Vegetable-milk diet for diabetes and obesity

The diet, designed for diabetics, is also great for people who are obese. For example, for women it is easy to determine: if your waist is more than 80 cm - you can already diagnose this disease.

Consider an approximate diet for the day:

  1. Breakfast : natural coffee, sandwich with cheese.
  2. Second breakfast : tea with lemon, 50 grams of low-fat cottage cheese.
  3. Lunch : broth from vegetables with fat, salt and spices, boiled potatoes.
  4. Afternoon snack : diabetic compote, 250 grams of strawberries, pear or apple.
  5. Dinner : 400 grams of fresh or boiled vegetables.
  6. Before going to bed : kefir or milk.

In each of the diet options, everything sweet, fried, fatty is completely excluded. The simpler and easier the diet, the more useful it is for your health.