Eucalyptus essential oil

Do you remember with what appetite the koala was eating eucalyptus leaves in the notorious advertisement? It's no wonder that this little animal chooses for its diet eucalyptus - a plant rich in vitamins, minerals and unsaturated fats.

A delightful evergreen eucalyptus has been used for centuries in various areas. The Australian aborigines put in circulation every particle of this incredible plant: they built houses from wood; leaves were used for medical purposes - for the treatment of wounds, colds; Also eucalyptus saved people and from drought, because the roots of this tree mainly consist of water.

Now science is developing at an incredible speed, medical discoveries fascinate us day after day, but the old proven methods of treatment and self-care remain relevant. This ancient tree, especially its leaves, is rich in a wonderful extract - essential oil of eucalyptus. Its use is very diverse - from ENT diseases to cosmetic procedures.

Eucalyptus essential oil - use

The range of use of this oil is wide. Most often, eucalyptus essential oil is used to treat colds (as an ingredient for inhalation), to improve the growth and strengthening of hair, facial care. It also positively affects the emotional state - struggles with anxiety, fatigue, increases the overall resistance of the body. Essential oil of eucalyptus is included in many drops for the nose, tablets for resorption, tinctures for improving sleep.

Eucalyptus essential oil for inhalations

Essential oil of eucalyptus is a real treasure for patients with bronchial asthma, not counting cases of individual intolerance. For the prevention of crises do inhalation with eucalyptus oil. To do this, add 2-3 drops of essential oil of eucalyptus (it can be used in combination with essential oil of fir) in a container with hot, but not boiling water (for example, a basin). Lean over it, cover your head with a towel so that the steam does not go beyond it. Breathe through your mouth for 5 minutes. If you have an inhaler - this procedure will be much easier and more enjoyable.

Use of eucalyptus essential oil is also possible for inhalations in the initial stages of the common cold and flu. To improve the effect - add a few drops of tea tree oil. Anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and general strengthening effect of these oils will help you to overcome the first signs of the disease.

Essential oil of eucalyptus in cosmetology

If you dream of growing long and healthy hair in the shortest time - essential oil of eucalyptus for this purpose will do just fine. It has a stimulating effect on hair growth, nourishes every strand to the deepest layers, and also successfully combats dandruff. In order to make your hair look unforgettable, with each head wash, add a couple drops of eucalyptus essential oil in the first "portion" of the shampoo. Massage the scalp well. Remember - massage, this is another great way to accelerate hair growth, because this improves blood flow, and in combination with essential oil of eucalyptus - the result will be stunning. Also, to stimulate hair growth, you can additionally add a drop of mint essential oil.

Eucalyptus essential oil is also used for face care. To get rid of acne, apply a drop of oil to the site of inflammation. The bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effects of the oil guarantee a fantastic effect. Pimples, furuncles and herpes can not resist the action of this oil and will soon leave you.

Despite all the healing properties and an incredible mix of the most useful elements, the essential oil of eucalyptus also has some contraindications. Among them: hypersensitivity (allergy), epilepsy. Also it can not be used in pregnancy.