Muscat Sage

Muscatine sage is a small shrub of the genus Sage. Its essential oil, as well as inflorescences and leaves, have a pleasant aroma and an invaluable curative effect. Sage grows in warm places in stony, clay soil. The usual habitat of this plant is the south of Russia, Central Asia, and the Caucasus.

Application of clary sage in medicine

Many centuries ago it was muscatine sage that was a ceremonial plant of ancient Celts. The healing properties of muscatine sage were well known and widely used by folk healers.

Infusions and decoctions of leaves and flowers of sage have a calming effect and relieve inflammation and eye irritation.

Gingivitis, periodontitis, stomatitis - that's what a wide range of dental problems will help solve the sage.

Since the sage contains a substance similar to the hormone estrogen , this plant copes with women's problems - premenstrual syndrome, manifestations of climacteric syndrome, violations of the monthly cycle.

Complexes of unique natural substances, contained in the composition of muscatine sage, will help with headaches and act as a soothing agent.

Also the plant is used:

Application of clary sage oil

The aroma of clary sage oil differs depending on the cultivation area, but the main notes are light floral-herbaceous with a touch of bitterness. Oil, obtained from sage growing in France, is of the highest quality. It is characterized by a delicate aroma of gray ambergris. Essential oil of clary sage gives a delicate aroma of muscat in the manufacture:

But, among other things, oil of clary sage is an excellent tool for combating various skin diseases, burns, trophic ulcers.

Essential oil of muscatine sage has a pronounced sedative effect and is used to treat sleep disorders and hangover, while also having a restoring effect on the nervous system.

Essential oil of muscatine sage added to the base massage oil will help you to relax more effectively, get rid of the headache, and soften blood pressure.

Recipes based on muscatine sage

For the application of sage for cosmetic purposes (acne, pimples, post-acne symptoms):

  1. 3 tablespoons dried leaves plant pour 1 liter of boiling water, kept in a water bath for 10 minutes.
  2. Allow to stand until cooled.
  3. Filtered infusion rubbed sore spots on the skin.

Rinsing hair after washing or rubbing into the scalp of the same remedy will help to strengthen hair follicles, and a bath with such infusion will calm down after a busy day and give strength.

With a cold, cough and other inflammatory processes in the respiratory tract:

  1. 1 tbsp. dry sage pour a glass of hot milk and insist.
  2. Drink, adding a teaspoon of honey, a quarter of a glass 3 times a day.

Spirituous infusion plants will help in the fight against rheumatic and arthritic pain, with nervous disorders and premenstrual syndrome . For this:

  1. A glass of dry inflorescence of sage is poured into 0.5-0.7 liters of vodka.
  2. They are allowed to brew in a dark place for two weeks.
  3. Then the drug is filtered and taken for 30-40 drops three times a day.