Tarragon - useful properties and contraindications

Tarragon or tarragon is a herbaceous plant that belongs to the genus Wormwood. Despite this, he does not have a habitual bitter taste. Grass is often used in cooking as a flavor additive to meat or fish dishes. At the same time, tarragon has many useful properties, although it has some contraindications. The plant contains antioxidants and polyphenolic compounds, which reduce the level of glucose in the body. It also has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the immune system.

Therapeutic properties and contraindications of the herb tarragon

The plant has long been considered useful, since it has many useful properties. For example, it is often used as an antiscorbutic, diuretic and restorative. Grass is recommended for eating with beriberi, problems with appetite or digestion .

It can be used to combat headaches and toothaches. Favorably affects men's health. Combination with some other herbs, allows you to use tarhun instead of salt, which will be useful for people with hypertension.

Despite the large number of useful properties of tarragon, it still has some contraindications. Rare use as a food additive in small quantities is normal for a normal person and will not lead to any negative consequences. But constant use can cause the formation of tumors due to an organic component, such as methylhavicol.

In addition, it is undesirable to interact with the plant to people who are diagnosed with allergy to Compositae. These include chrysanthemums, daisies and many others.

The grass has choleretic action, and therefore it is not worth eating for people who have stones and other problems with the appropriate organ. If there are large elements, the tarhun will actively influence their excretion - there will be painful sensations and strong spasms.

Tarragon for women - useful properties and contraindications

If we talk separately about women's health, then for the beautiful half it is used as a means for stabilizing the menstrual cycle. In addition, the plant reduces pain during this process and contributes to the restoration of the digestive tract.

In this case, do not significantly increase the daily amount of tarhuna added to food. The thing is that this can lead to negative consequences in the form of problems with the stomach, blood, nervous and other systems. It is strictly forbidden to eat tarhun for breastfeeding women and pregnant women. In the first case, there may be problems with the formation of milk. In the second - increases the chance of miscarriage.

Application of useful properties of tarragon

For the preparation, only the upper part of the grass is taken. Medicines created on the basis of tarhuna are used for nausea, urinary tract problems, hiccough and anorexia.

In dentistry, the essential oil of this plant is actively used, being an antiseptic and anesthetic at the same time.

The tests showed that tarragon has a beneficial effect on the body during skin cancer, as well as erosion of the cervix.

Tea or a decoction of tarthun is considered one of the best means to cope with insomnia .

In many countries, this plant produces a non-alcoholic drink of green color, which has a wonderful refreshing effect. In addition, its periodic use helps to improve digestion. It is believed that it was invented in countries where fats and fried foods are national. It is because of the frequent intake of this drink that people do not have any problems with the gastrointestinal tract.