Macaroni with meat in a multivariate

With the advent of multivarques about the stove, you can generally forget, because with this kitchen device you can bake pies, cook soups and even cook pasta with meat. It is about the recipes of the latter that we'll talk about in this article.

The recipe for pasta with meat in a multivariate



Beef (preferably take the flesh), rinse, remove veins and excess fat, cut into cubes. Onions are also finely chopped, carrots are rubbed on a large grater, mushrooms are crushed with cubes.

We turn on the multivark in the "Baking" mode and melt the butter in the bowl. Fry onion in oil until clear, then cover carrots and mushrooms, continue cooking until the liquid is completely evaporated from the mushrooms, and then we send the cut beef to the vegetables. The frying of meat will take 7-10 minutes, after which you can add salt, pepper and ketchup to the bowl. Choose the "Quenching" mode and forget about the dish for 1 hour.

After the sound signal, informing about the end of cooking, we fall asleep to meat with vegetables macaroni and fill everything with water so as to cover the contents of the bowl. We leave the dish "Stew" for another 40 minutes, and then we serve it to the table.

How to cook pasta with meat in the Redmond multivark?



We chop the onion together with garlic and fry it in olive oil in the "Frying" mode (product - "Meat") for a couple of minutes, after which we add minced meat and continue cooking for another 20 minutes. After the time has passed, add the tomatoes, herbs and spices to the meat, pour the water so that the meat is covered with 2 fingers. We set the mode "Pasta" for 15 minutes. After the sound signal, announcing the boiling of water, fall asleep in the multivarka pasta and cook until the end of the regime.

This dish does not even require sauce, since it already exists. All that remains is to sprinkle the dish with a small amount of good olive oil and decorate with crushed basil and grated "Parmesan". That's all the pasta with meat ready!

Macaroni with meat in the multivarquet "Polaris"



Turn on the "Hot" and pour olive oil into the bowl. Onions finely chopped and fried in oil until transparent. After, add the minced meat, salt and pepper, sugar, oregano, and wait until the mincemeat grab. Once this happens, fill the meat with wine and add tomatoes. After notification of the end of cooking, we shift the finished sauce with meat into a separate plate.

In the kettle we boil a liter of water (this will speed up the process of cooking pasta in a multivark), select the "Pasta" mode for 10 minutes, close the multivar with a lid and wait for the water to boil again. As soon as the water boils (you will be notified of the change in the color of the indicator on the panel), re-select the "Pasta" mode, set the time to 15 minutes, and fall asleep macaroni.

Cook the pasta in the multivarquet with the lid open, stirring occasionally, as if you are cooking them on a stove. Periodically remove the sample and as soon as the pasta is ready, put them on a plate, water the sauce, sprinkle with grated cheese and slices of olives.