Summer salad from vegetables - recipe

In the warm season, when the shelves are filled with bright colors of fresh vegetables, the question is what should be cooked of. Of course, a simple salad of cucumbers and tomatoes with herbs is immortal, but how about something more original?

Summer salad with fresh vegetables



To prepare the dressing, mix a tablespoon of lemon peel with 1/4 cup of lemon juice and a similar amount of olive oil. In the finished dressing, add shredded shallots and a good pinch of salt.

String beans steamed in a water bath for 1-2 minutes, after which we cool. With fresh young corn, cut the grain. Tomatoes cut quarters, cucumbers - circles, and pepper - cubes. Similarly we cut avocado . Mix all the prepared vegetables together, add the greens of the cornrida, hot pepper and pour all lemon-olive dressing. Immediately serve ready salad to the table.

Summer salad with vegetables and seafood



Eggs boil hard. Steaks of tuna fry in olive oil for 30 seconds on each side. Tomatoes, onions and beans fry on the grill. Mix the fried vegetables, put on the slices of fish and eggs. We finish the salad with black olives, a pinch of salt and lemon juice.

Summer salad with fresh vegetables and rusks



Mix the vinegar, lemon juice and 80 ml of butter. Add the thin rings of onion and fennel to the sauce.

Bulgarian pepper is cut in half, poured with a tablespoon of butter and bake at 200 degrees for 10-12 minutes. In parallel, we bake pieces of white bread, also watering them with oil, until golden brown.

We cut the cucumber, mix it with pepper, onions, fennel with dressing, as well as olives and cheese. Sprinkle the finished salad with croutons .