Barberry berries for weight loss

For all of us, we certainly know from the childhood the taste of candy barbers. Berry, which borrowed the palatability for making candy, in the northern hemispheres of the Earth is called the "northern lemon", we call it barberry.

People often do not understand why the Chinese barberry for weight loss (berry goji), brought from distant countries, enjoys great popularity among our compatriots, saying: "What is our worst?". Now we will try to understand this.

The difference between barberry and goji berries

Many believe that barberry and goji berries are not different from each other. This opinion is erroneous. Yes, both of them grow spiky bushes, branches of which are stuck with oblong red berries, but this is not all the defining signs.

Both barberry and goji berry are very acidic, while barberry has a "citrus" taste, unlike its Tibetan brother. Even if you try first one berry, and then another, it will be very difficult to confuse them.

The external differences between barberry and goji berries can be seen simply on the face. In the bush of the Chinese fetus, there are oblong leaves, purple flowers, and red-orange fruits and are more like the shape of a bulb. On the bushes of barberry oval-shaped sheets grow, yellow flowers, and small bright red or red-crimson fruits have a more elongated shape. In addition, barberry can bear yellow, and even white berries, which do not look like goji.

The properties of barberry berries and goji berries are also different. Both are low-calorie foods, and are great for diet and sports nutrition. Barberry is not rich in protein and fat, but it is full of carbohydrates, micro-and macro-elements and vitamins. And in the goji berries a lot of protein and ascorbic acid.

What are the benefits of berries barberry?

To strengthen your health, you can use not only the fruits of barberry, but all other parts of the bush. Decoction from the bark helps to stop bleeding, relieve women of pain during menstruation, they are treated in people with diseases of the liver and gall bladder. And with hypertension, drinks from stems and leaves are good.

The useful properties of berries barberry was known in ancient times. The leaves and stems of the bush contain many glycosides, natural antiseptics, flavonoids, alkaloids, malic acid and vitamins C, K, and A.

Ripe barberry fruits contain beta-carotene, organic acids, a lot of vitamin C. Red berries contribute to strengthening the cardiovascular system, purify the body of toxins, toxins, heavy metals, salts, and doctors prescribe them for diabetes, as a source of vitamins and a means to reduce blood sugar.

Barberry for weight loss

Many who want to get rid of excess weight, include in their diet fruits and infusions from the leaves of barberry. In 100 grams of berries contains as many calories as in 1 tablespoon of sugar, so they are great for low-calorie diets.

Lose weight with berries barberry is possible only in that If you do not use them for snacks. And because of the large number of digestible carbohydrates, even after eating a whole glass of berries, the feeling of hunger can return in half an hour. It is best to simply eat berries or cook fruit compote, which will give the body a little calories and fill the stomach.

In the immature form berries barberry is contraindicated to use categorically, they are poisonous. People who suffer from allergies, hypertension, gastritis with high acidity, inflammations of the mucous membranes, as well as pregnant women, consume a lot of fruits and drink tinctures without the recommendation of a doctor do not recommend.