Useful properties of cooked corn

Corn - a delicious vegetable, or rather a grain crop, which many like in boiled form. Golden cobs, lightly sprinkled with salt - a favorite since childhood delicacy, which has not lost its attractiveness even today. It is noteworthy that corn is a valuable food product for the peoples of Africa, Central and South America, which here is equated to bread, or rather, completely replaces it. In the world, this culture is the third most common, yielding only to wheat and rice. Nevertheless, its fans do not think about the useful properties of boiled corn. But this dish has not only positive qualities, but also negative ones, and they should also be known about them.

What is useful in cooked corn?

When heat treated, maize grains practically do not lose their initial utility. Therefore, in the boiled vegetable content of valuable substances is only slightly lower than in the raw. But there are biologically active compounds such as B vitamins, vitamins E, C and RR, micro and macro elements - zinc, potassium, phosphorus, sodium, magnesium, calcium, etc. In corn there is a lot of iron, it is shown in case of anemia and similar diseases. It contains unique mono- and disaccharides, starchy substances, polyunsaturated fatty acids, vegetable protein.

The use of boiled corn for the body is, first of all, its nutritional value. It perfectly satisfies hunger, creates a feeling of satiety. At the same time the caloric content of the product is average - 123 kcal per 100 grams. But there is a boiled corn slimming is not recommended, it is poorly digested and can provoke a slowing down of metabolic processes, which will lead to increased formation of fat cells.

Those who do not have problems with being overweight should definitely include this vegetable in their menu. Her grains work as a natural and safe scrub, cleansing the intestines. Due to the rich vitamin-mineral composition corn strengthens immunity and increases the endurance of the body. It promotes the development of natural antidepressants in cells, normalizes the work of the cardiovascular system, optimizes the composition of the blood. A boiled vegetable with butter will be a good help for dietary nutrition in case of liver diseases, gout, jade. Corn is also an excellent means of preventing oncology.

However, it is necessary to consume boiled grains in moderate amounts even to healthy people. Due to the high fiber content, they provoke constipation bloating. In addition, the vegetable increases blood coagulability and can cause thrombosis.

Glycemic index of cooked corn

People who adhere to the principles of healthy eating and diabetics, you should definitely know about the glycemic index assigned to boiled corn. This figure is 70 units, which is quite a lot, but not very much, because in dietary buckwheat it is 50 units, and in the barley - 25. In boiled corn, despite the unsweet taste, a lot of carbohydrates, so it is not recommended to use it in food uncontrollably. But it is also not worth completely giving up the vegetable. It is shown even to diabetics, only in limited quantities - 100-150 grams per day, not more.

How to optimize the utility of cooked corn?

To preserve all the useful properties of cooked corn, it should be properly prepared. First, one should take not the overripe cobs, but the vegetable with the grains of milk ripeness. Secondly, to cook corn is better in leaves and not less than 2 hours. Thirdly, it is better to cook vegetables for a couple - and faster, and more useful.