Plum - calorie content

If you are on a diet or watch your diet, then you will inevitably face the question of what you can eat without fear of gain in weight, and what not. In this article, we decided to touch on the caloric content of one of the most common and inexpensive types of fruits that are found everywhere - plums.

Plum, calories in which are simply minimal, is not only very tasty, but also useful. Thanks to its composition, it is simply indispensable in the process of losing weight. This fruit - one of the few contains vitamin P, which is known for its positive effect on vascular strengthening and pressure stabilization. In addition, this vitamin is well preserved in the product, even with heat treatment, and therefore, in all sorts of plum jams and jams of vitamins, more than enough. In addition, although fresh or dried will be drained, it has a mild laxative effect, which will remove extra pounds in a short time. The product will also be useful for those who lose weight by removing excess water and rock salt from the body. This, of course, will positively affect the general condition of the body and help to cleanse it.

Caloric value of 1 piece of plum

The caloric content of the blue plum averages 42 kcal per 100 g of the product, exactly as many calories in the red sink. At the same time, 0.3 g of fat in it, 0.8 g of proteins, 9.6 g of carbohydrates. If we talk about how many calories are in the yellow sink, this value practically does not change. Caloric content is 43 kcal, which is 2% of the daily rate. While fat yellow plum does not contain at all. Thus, the content of carbohydrates in this product is disproportionately large in comparison with proteins and fats. However, for those who lose weight this is not bad at all. In addition, due to its positive properties, the plum helps to remove from the body all unwanted pounds with proper nutrition .

Useful properties of plums

Not many people know that in addition to the well-known effect of bowel cleansing, this product has the ability to strengthen the liver and cleanse the blood, excluding all kinds of toxins from it. Regular use of plum in food improves blood circulation, strengthens the liver. Not so popular is the use of plum as an antipyretic, however, and its effect is proven and tested.

When is it best to consume a plum?

Of course, girls who dieted, thought about when it is best to consume plum for food. The greatest weight loss effect can be achieved if you use a plum in the morning on an empty stomach. This will facilitate the rapid purification of the body and the removal of toxins that have accumulated in the body after the night and during the previous day. As nutritionists advise, from time to time to change the hours of consumption of plums in food to stimulate the work of the intestines. Sometimes, in order to achieve a greater effect, they consume not only the fruits of the plum, but they also brew them in boiling water and drink the infusion water, which also contributes to the improvement digestion. In this case, such a drink can not be boiled and sweetened. Otherwise, you will not get any positive effect and just add kcal of sugar to your diet .

Sometimes oats are added to the sink and also with steep boiling water without the additional flavor additives. This infusion gives a double positive effect by eating and cleaning the body from the inside.

Want to eat deliciously and correctly - diversify your diet with vegetables and fruits. Pay special attention to the plum, as one of the useful and delicious representatives of the counters of fruit departments.