English Cocker Spaniel - breed description

English Cocker Spaniel is a dog that can not help attracting attention. Pretty good-looking, it attracts cheerful disposition and tireless vitality, therefore this breed is more suitable for such energetic masters. Since the moment when the English Cocker Spaniel had the first fans, it took more than two centuries. He proved himself an indispensable assistant in the search for game in the thick thickets of Britain. From that time, spaniels began to appear more and more often not only in the homes of hunters, but also as regular companions for the owners of aristocrats.

English Cocker Spaniel - characteristics of the breed

  1. Appearance of the cocker spaniel.
  2. The love of the breed to constant physical activity made the dog muscular, with a strong physique. When describing the breed of English Cocker Spaniel people's attention is attracted to her head with clever, slightly oval brown eyes and long hanging ears that can get her nose out. The bulge of the skull in front comes into view, as well as a wide muzzle with well developed jaws and nostrils. And it's not surprising. After spaniel on the family it is written to find game and bring it to the owner.

    There are individuals of black color, hepatic or spotted. Sometimes with solid color there is a speck in the throat area. Although such a spot on the paws for the standard of the breed is not desirable. The sizes of the English male spaniel cockerel reach sometimes 43 cm and weight 16 kg, while the female maximum weight 15 kg with a height of 41 cm.

  3. The character of the English cocker spaniel.
  4. The mind and ingenuity of this breed are not questioned. Modern dogs have the same genes as their ancestors, ready to demonstrate their best qualities at any time. Initially they are able to think independently and make a decision. Therefore, the English Cocker Spaniel does not cause any special problems during training. From the owner it is required only to support the intellectual abilities of the pet with all sorts of games.

    The most favorite activities for these tireless animals are exercises with the feeding of objects. Often the dog's indefatigable nature inclines them to such entertainment. A good mood is manifested in the constant wagging of the English Cocker Spaniel not too docked tail, shortened according to the standard of this breed.

  5. How do spaniels get along with people?
  6. A distinctive feature of our pet is attachment to its owner. As a rule, someone is one of the members of the family, whose loyalty he retains throughout his life. In addition, these dogs get along well with other household members, being excellent companions. At the same time, an English Cocker Spaniel can become a real guard. True, with the development of these qualities in it, it is worth sticking to the measures to avoid getting into unpleasant stories, as in communicating with other people, as with animals. In dealing with dogs, they, for example, demonstrate absolute fearlessness.

    Spaniels feel great in the company of mischievous children, the same mobile, to suit their disposition. Home favorite will soon endure an insult from the child, than show his aggressiveness to him. For this reason, you should not only educate the dog , but also children who must understand that their four-legged friend can not be a toy. As for personal things, here in the nature of the spaniel there is a sense of ownership.

  7. Tips for the dog.
  8. Buying a puppy of an English cocker spaniel, you need to consider that caring for him will take a lot of time. It is necessary to constantly monitor the condition of the coat, teeth, nails and especially the ears, which nature has made permanently closed. If desired, the pet can be given to the dog's hairdresser. Proper care and a healthy diet without overfeeding the animal will give the opportunity to enjoy his presence for many years.