Infertility in women - symptoms

If a couple more than 1 year lives a regular sex life, does not use any contraceptives, and pregnancy does not come, then it is considered that such a couple suffers from infertility . The cause of infertility can equally be both a woman and a man. How to determine who is suffering from infertility in a couple? They begin more often with men, but if a woman is obviously not all right, you can start the examination from her.

How to determine infertility in women?

If the reason for the absence of children in a couple is female infertility, then its main symptoms are various disorders of the menstrual cycle. The first signs of infertility in women - the menstrual cycle becomes irregular, or menstruation is absent altogether. Irregular periods may be associated with a violation of ovulation (which can be determined by measuring basal temperature). If there is ovulation, then another cause may be a shortage of progesterone, which is determined by shortening the second phase of the cycle. Another symptom of hormonal disorders and possible infertility - profuse bleeding during menstruation.

In the normal menstrual cycle, even the age of a woman over 35 years is a risk of infertility. Excess weight of a woman affects the level of female sex hormones, but the reduced weight due to various diets and starvation can cause depletion of the body, irregular menstrual cycle and cause infertility. One of the possible symptoms of a violation of the hormonal background of a woman and possible infertility is excessive growth of hair on the body (above the pubis, on the face and extremities).

Other possible signs are symptoms of inflammation of the female genitalia (pain, pathological discharge from the genital tract). But the most accurate way to determine the cause of infertility is possible only after proper examination by a gynecologist (strokes and examination, ultrasound examination on different days of the menstrual cycle, determination of the hormonal background of a woman in a laboratory way).