Signs on the floor of the child

Of course, every nation has its own people's signs, which make it possible to determine the sex of the future child . Below we will introduce you to the most common, which are guided in different countries. Remember that their accuracy is not more than 50%, so do not take the result to heart.

Signs for determining the sex of the child

To learn the sex of the child by the signs of future moms are trying and in our time, despite the fact that the most reliable way is ultrasound , with which you can see the sex signs of the baby. But, nevertheless, it is interesting to know whether the result of ultrasound coincides with the sex of the child in pregnancy.

Child's sex according to national signs

You can also determine the sex of the child according to popular signs with the help of the following divination:

Take a long string, put a ring on it. Hold it over the left palm of a pregnant woman. If the ring will move in a straight line - you can choose the male name, and if the movement goes around in a circle - think about the name for the daughter.

Japanese characteristics of the sex of the unborn child are interesting: for example, you can try to divide the father's age into four, and my mother's three. Then look at who will get the greater balance, if the mother - wait for the daughter.

These signs for pregnant women on the sex of the child are the most famous and common, but how reliable they are is for you to decide. The most important thing you should remember about - the birth of a new person - is a huge joy, the most significant and important event in the life of every woman. This is what you should think about first of all, therefore, the most important thing is that your baby should be born and grow up healthy, and the question "boy or girl" should go to the background.