After transfer of embryos

Transfer of embryos to the female uterus is the last, the fourth stage of in vitro fertilization . And now it all depends on whether at least one of them will survive in the new environment. If implantation of the embryo occurs after transfer to the uterine wall, pregnancy occurs.

The procedure of replanting takes about 3-5 minutes and is completely painless, although a bit uncomfortable. After the transfer of embryos, a woman needs complete physical and mental rest. Bed rest is especially desirable, especially in the first 2-3 days.

Immediately after embryo insertion, a woman should lie down for 20-30 minutes. After that, she can dress herself and go home. Of course, it is advisable that on this crucial day she is accompanied by a spouse or other close person.

The first day after the transfer of embryos, a woman is allowed a light breakfast. It is necessary to limit reception of a liquid that is connected with filling of a bladder. After listening to all the recommendations of the doctor, you need to come home and lie down. Try to relax physically and morally.

What can not be done after embryo transfer?

To avoid reproaches in the future in case of failed attempts, one should try not to do some things immediately after embryo transfer:

In order to pass the time, which you are forced to spend in almost total inactivity, you need to find a quiet occupation, to distract yourself from worry and anxiety. For example, you can knit, embroider, read a book or watch your favorite movie with a calm storyline.

You can return to work on the 3rd day after the transfer of the embryos. And these two days are best not to get out of bed, except to visit the restroom or a doctor. And do not forget to follow all the doctor's instructions, including taking the hormone progesterone.

In the clinic, you should make a blood test for hCG on the 7th and 14th day after the transfer of the embryos. On the 14th day, you can conduct a home pregnancy test. There is a high probability that he will objectively show the results and that after the embryo transfer a long-awaited pregnancy has come.