Can I get pregnant after ovulation?

Physiological ability to conceive in women is controlled by sex hormones. To understand if you can get pregnant after ovulation, you need to understand what ovulation is about, as a result of which it comes and when.

For every woman, the menstrual cycle has a duration: for someone from the first day of menstruation (which is the beginning of the cycle) until the next monthly (the end of the cycle), 21 days pass, and for someone 28, 36, etc. The health indicator is the regularity menstrual cycle and stability.

The menstrual cycle marks the process of maturation of the egg, its exit through the tubes into the uterine cavity, and in case fertilization does not occur, its utilization during the renewal of the upper layer of the endometrium along with the monthly ones. From the whole cycle there are only 2 days, when there is a possibility to become pregnant. This coincides with the time when a mature egg is in the uterine cavity. Usually this moment comes to the middle of the cycle of a woman, for the calculation of which is divided into two cycle times (for example, in the case of a 28-day cycle, the day of ovulation will be 14 days).

Given the fact that the egg lives only 12-24 hours, in rare cases 24-48, then you can become pregnant after the onset of ovulation only in the next day - two.

When is the probability of getting pregnant more?

The probability of getting pregnant is higher on the day of ovulation. In order to determine when this moment comes, today there are several methods. The most accurate of them is a method of measuring basal temperature, as well as an ovulation test. Note the onset of ovulation by changing the nature of the vaginal discharge.

To help determine when you can get pregnant, you can use the calendar method to calculate the middle of the cycle. However, this method is not accurate, and in order to increase the chances of conception, it is necessary to take into account the precedents of the middle 2 to 3 days, and 2 to 3 days after the estimated day of ovulation. Thus, the period when you can get pregnant is 5-7 days.

However, the most suitable time for conception will be the first 12 hours of ovulation. The reason why it is difficult to get pregnant later is determined by the short life of the egg. In the last 12 hours, she has a deficiency of nutrients, which even in case of fertilization can prevent her from getting well to the wall of the uterus, so that pregnancy begins to develop.

In order to increase the chances of becoming pregnant, it is recommended to practice unprotected sexual intercourse about 7 days before ovulation, since some spermatozoa have the ability to activity for several days. In this case, sex should be regular, about once every 2 days. More frequent sexual relations can negatively affect the quantity and quality of sperm and significantly reduce the chances of pregnancy.

What is the probability of becoming pregnant after ovulation?

Is it possible to become pregnant after ovulation? To answer this question, it is necessary to consider factors that can affect the work of sex hormones, and thereby provoke a cycle failure. To become the cause of unscheduled maturation of the egg and its release into the uterine cavity,

or slow down its offensive, can:

The effect of these factors can be so strong that ovulation can occur even during menstruation. Not knowing these subtleties, many women become pregnant, they think, in the "safe" calendar days of the cycle, and therefore there is a misconception about the possibility of conception outside of ovulation.