Dyufaston for conception

One of the most common causes of female infertility, along with the obstruction of the fallopian tubes and endometriosis, is progesterone insufficiency. Progesterone is a hormone necessary for conception and a normal course of pregnancy. If for some reason it is not enough in the female body, then its level can be raised by taking hormonal drugs - Dufaston or Utrozhestan.

Dufaston and pregnancy

Duphaston is an artificially created analog of progesterone. The molecule of the active substance of this drug is similar in structure to the natural hormone, and, getting into the body, it fulfills its functions. Thus, the indication for the use of Dufaston is the inadequate production of the hormone progesterone in the female body.

Define this deficiency can be with the help of special tests to study the hormonal profile. Blood on the level of progesterone should be taken in a certain period of the monthly cycle - in the middle between ovulation and the following menstruation. If the cycle is irregular, it is advisable to donate blood approximately, at least two times with an interval of several days.

Dyufaston is prescribed by the doctor for conception if the shortage of progesterone is reliably confirmed. He also chooses the optimal treatment regimen for a specific case. When taking Dufaston, its dose should be distributed evenly throughout the day. Do not rely on someone's example and do a self-prescription drug. Incorrect dosage can lead to negative consequences for your health.

As a rule, reception of djufaston at planning of pregnancy should last not less than half a year. But even if there was a pregnancy after receiving Dufaston, stop drinking it yourself can not. You should immediately contact your doctor and tell him about the onset of pregnancy. He will adjust the dosage according to the situation.

During pregnancy, Dufaston's reception has slightly different goals. For example, to reduce the tone of the uterus and create comfortable conditions for the development of the fetus, as well as the formation of a dominant pregnancy and preparation of the mammary glands to lactation. Often, Dyufaston is prescribed to pregnant women in the event of a threat of miscarriage in the first half of pregnancy.

The action of Dufaston

Duphaston is a drug with a selective progestagenic effect on the uterine mucosa. With its help, the formation of a normal secretory endometrium and the onset of a secretion phase in the endometrium are possible. This reduces the risk of carcinogenesis and endometrial hyperplasia, which appears due to the action of the hormone estrogen.

Duphaston does not have anabolic, estrogenic, androgenic, thermogenic, or corticoid activity. The drug has no side effects inherent in other artificial progestins, such as cyproterone or medroxyprogesterone. Effect of dyufastone on ovulation - the drug does not inhibit ovulation.

Indications for taking the drug:

In addition, Dufaston can be used as hormone replacement therapy if women are diagnosed with disorders due to surgical or natural menopause in the intact uterus.

Contraindications to the use of Dufaston is the individual intolerance of dydrogesterone and other components of Dufaston, as well as the syndromes of Rotor and Dabin-Johnson.