How to take folic acid in pregnancy planning?

Many girls know that before you become a mother, you need to go through the period of preparation of the body for pregnancy. In medicine this time period was called "planning". The duration of this period is usually at least 3 months, during which the woman undergoes special diagnostic examinations and takes prescribed medications, if necessary. Among the latter very often you can find vitamin complexes and microelements, which will soon be needed to build a future organism. In the composition of almost any complex of such vitamins can be found B9, which is more familiar to pregnant women, like folic acid. Let's take a closer look at the specifics of its application and tell what it is so necessary for women planning to become a mother.

What is vitamin B9 and what is it for?

Before you talk about how to take folic acid in pregnancy planning, it must be said that this vitamin belongs to the water-soluble group and is one of the vital. It is he who takes a direct part in the process of DNA synthesis, and is also responsible for the normal formation of blood elements in the human body. In addition, folic acid plays an important role in the process of strengthening the defenses of the future mother's body, and improves the digestive system.

If we talk directly about the baby itself, vitamin B9 is necessary for the process of neural tube formation in the baby, and also helps to prevent malformations of the baby. In addition, folic acid is necessary for pregnant and for the normal formation of the placenta. Otherwise, the pregnancy can be interrupted at the very beginning.

How to use folic acid when planning a future pregnancy?

Despite the seeming harmlessness of the vitamin, it must be agreed with the doctor. Only a specialist can accurately indicate how it is necessary to drink folic acid when planning.

Most often, the drug is prescribed in cases where there is a risk of developing a violation of the neural tube in a future baby. In other words, the drug must be prescribed when the previous pregnancy was interrupted due to a failure of the fetal development process, or when the child was born with developmental disorders.

If we talk directly about the dose of folic acid in the planning of pregnancy, it is 200 mg per day. In some cases, when establishing a clear lack of vitamin in the body of a potential mother, the dosage can be increased by the doctor personally, based on the data of the survey.

What threatens the lack of folic acid in the body of the mother?

Admission of folic acid in planning pregnancy should be mandatory, with a preventive goal. In this way doctors try to protect the future baby from negative consequences.

So, first of all, problems can be observed at the stage of neural tube formation in a baby. As a result, the risk of developing hydrocephalus (cerebral edema) increases, and in some more neglected cases, and ancephaly, a disruption of the formation process, and as a result, the complete absence of brain structures.

Thus, it can be said that one can not underestimate the role of this vitamin in the body of a future mother. However, you should not take it yourself. How to take folic acid during pregnancy planning and how much it is needed, it is better to ask specialists who will tell the woman the necessary dosage and multiplicity.