Probability to get pregnant the first time

Sooner or later, each couple comes to a decision to give birth to a child. But, at times, years pass before the long-awaited pregnancy comes. The probability of getting pregnant immediately, the first time, if you take into consideration some recommendations.

What increases the chances of getting pregnant the first time?

According to statistics among healthy couples, the probability of conception in the next six months is 60%. Approximately 30% will receive the joyful news within twelve months. And only 10% of women who live a regular sex life are those lucky ones who are likely to become pregnant the first time.

You can increase your chances if you get a preliminary examination. For conception, only two things are necessary: ​​ovulation and the presence of healthy sperm. It is better to hedge and pass the necessary tests to be sure of the result.

A close relationship exists between pregnancy and the age of the spouses. The possibility of getting pregnant from the first time is much higher in young couples. A woman aged increases the number of anovulatory cycles. And the male's sperm, too, reduces activity.

Methods that increase the possibility of getting pregnant the first time:

  1. The delay of the monthly after the first sex will occur if you correctly calculate the moment of ovulation. To do this, you can use methods such as the calendar of ovulation, the measurement of basal temperature, the crystallization of saliva. Currently, pharmacies sell special tests for ovulation. To increase the accuracy of calculations, use not one method, but several.
  2. Strangely enough, the delay after the first sexual intercourse is possible if you slightly correct the ovulation with oral contraception. The intake of contraceptive hormonal tablets interferes with the process of ovulation. Stopping the reception of a contraceptive leads to the fact that the body seeks to catch up. Doctors are aware of this effect and often recommend couples take oral contraceptives for 3 to 4 months before conception. But do not independently "prescribe" for yourself hormonal contraceptives. Many of them have contraindications.
  3. Often, pregnancy does not occur because of violations of the function of the reproductive female or male system. For example, his wife bends the cervix, and her husband is limited mobility of sperm. In this case, after the first sex, you can get pregnant if you properly choose a pose. In addition, a woman is not recommended to visit the bath immediately after the end of sexual intercourse. To consult about the most effective posture it is possible, also, at the gynecologist.
  4. The delay of monthly after the first sex will help recipes of traditional medicine. It is useful immediately before a sexual act to do syringing with a weak solution of baking soda. Increasing the alkaline environment in the vagina greatly facilitates the "work" of spermatozoa.
  5. Pregnancy from the first time is possible at certain times of the year. It is believed that the chance of conception is highest in the first weeks of the spring season or in the last weeks of autumn. This fact is associated with the accumulation of a large number of vitamins in the body in the fall and, accordingly, the influence of ultraviolet radiation in the spring.
  6. And the last: if you really need pregnancy after the first sex, try to lead a healthy lifestyle, get rid of bad habits and do not lose heart. A good mood affects your well-being, and a depressive one can negate all efforts aimed at obtaining the desired result.