At what time can you determine the gender of the child - the most accurate ways

Sexual affiliation of the future baby is the first question that the future mother is interested in. Existing medical methods that establish this fact, are applied after a certain time after conception. Because of this, many pregnant women are looking for ways to install sex without ultrasound. Consider the common methods, let's name the terms of their use.

At what date can you tell the sex of the child?

The answer to the question as to which week the sex of the child can be found is of interest to pregnant women the most. Everything depends on the characteristics of individual development, such as the location of it in the abdomen. Telling about the date on which the sex of the child is seen, gynecologists warn that the first calculations are often erroneous. The reason - the external similarity of the genital, external organs of girls and boys at an early stage. Telling a woman about the date on which it is possible to determine the sex of the child, doctors call 11-12 weeks from conception (13-14 obstetricians).

Medical methods of establishing sex include invasive and ultrasound. The former are not used as the main ones, but when they are suspected of genetic disorders. In parallel with the diagnostic measures, the sex of the embryo can also be established. In view of the high risk of complications, in the form of premature interruption of gestation, the method is used only according to indications. A classic way to establish the fact of sex is ultrasound.

When you see the sex of the child on ultrasound?

In order to know exactly at what period it is possible to determine the sex of the child, after which time after conception it is feasible, it is necessary to establish the exact duration of gestation. In the process of embryo development, up to 11 weeks from the moment of fertilization, the sexual organs of girls and boys are outwardly indistinguishable. Closer to 12-13 weeks there is a rapid growth of the rudiments of the penis in boys. The phenomenon is caused by the synthesis of dihydrotestosterone. It is produced directly in the sex glands of boys. As a result, the sexual lump grows in size and stretches.

The reliability of such calculations on small terms is due to several factors:

When performing an ultrasound examination, the doctor calculates the angle of abnormality of the genital tubercle. The male fetus is more than 30 degrees. 3D research perfectly visualizes the sexual structures, helps to conduct their detailed examination. But this equipment is available in private centers, and the procedure is paid. Usual ultrasound has a lower resolution, not always reliable. Because of this, the question of the pregnant woman as to how long it is possible to determine the sex exactly, doctors call the period of 20-22 weeks - the time of the second mandatory ultrasound examination during pregnancy.

How to know the sex of a child without ultrasound?

Because of the lack of an opportunity to undergo ultrasound or if there is a desire to quickly find out the answer, pregnant women often reflect on how to identify a boy or a girl without ultrasound. At the same time, women listen to observations and beliefs that have been formed for many generations. Among them are:

  1. Appearance of the skin. In those situations where the complexion dims in the pregnant woman, spots of pigmentation, spots appear on its surface, people say that a girl will be born. The male fruit less changes the appearance of the future mother.
  2. Prophetic dreams. Many women who have already given birth notice that during the pregnancy the boy often dreamed of them, and the daughter was born, and vice versa.
  3. The size of the mammary glands. When the left breast looks more in size than the right one, one should expect the appearance of a son, if the right one is bigger, the daughter will be born.

How to know the sex of the child in the early term?

Asking doctors about the timing, about when you can find out the sex of the child, the pregnant woman is taken for finding a method for establishing this parameter. It often happens that until the appointed day of US another week, but you want to know today. It should be noted that it is practically impossible to establish this fact independently. But there are techniques that help to make assumptions about the sex of the fetus. Among them are:

Determining the sex of the child by the date of conception

Having learned from the doctor on what date the sex of the child is determined, not to wait for this moment, the woman tries to establish it knowing the day of fertilization. According to the peculiarities of female physiology, conception is possible only in the ovulatory period - 2 days before the release of the oocyte from the follicle, on the day of ovulation and within 2 days after it. The technique that helps to know the sex of the child by the date of conception is based on the peculiarities of the "behavior" of the sexual male cells and the chromosomes contained in them, which determine the sex of the future baby.

Studies have shown that spermatozoa that contain the X chromosome (cause the female sex of the fetus) have a lower rate of movement, while they live longer. They are able to remain in a viable state for 2-4 days in the uterine cavity, waiting for ovulation . Sex cells carrying the Y chromosome (male) - have a short life, but are active, mobile. From this it follows: if sex was a few days before ovulation - the probability of a girl's birth is great, and when sexual contact occurs directly on the day of egg release - it is worth waiting for the boy.

How to determine the sex of the child according to the table?

Having learned about the time frame for actually determining the sex of the child, pregnant women do not wait for the term using the Chinese method. According to her, you can find the sex of the child on the table. It expresses the dependence of this parameter on the month of conception and the age of the future mother. To establish the sex, you need to choose the month of conception and the number of full years. At the intersection of the columns will indicate the sex of the future baby. The table helps and plan the sex of the baby - by selecting the age in the line, it is necessary to look at the column for months, in which the conception of the child of the desired sex is likely.

Taste preference for pregnancy by a girl or boy

Thinking about who will be born - a girl or a boy, how to determine this fact, pregnant women begin to use all possible ways of calculating the parameter. So many begin to analyze their changed eating habits. Already becoming a mother, women note that with the expectation of a girl you always want a sweet. Those who gave birth to a son, often talk about the fact that the whole pregnancy they experienced constant hunger, I wanted salty, meat, spicy dishes.

How to recognize a boy or girl by blood?

There is a technique that helps a woman to know the sex of the child by blood . At the same time, it is necessary to know precisely the group affiliation of it with the father and mother. So a couple with the same, 1 blood group, chances are great to conceive a girl, with 4 group - a boy. The method has little informative value. Confirmation of this - gay men in a large family. All variants of sex according to this methodology are shown in the table below.