How to memorize a lot of information in a short time?

Usually with the question of how to memorize a lot of information in a short time, students who have left studying the exam material for the last days face. However, when you come to work or study new material for work, you may also need the ability to quickly and accurately remember.

How to learn to memorize a large amount of information?

Learning how to memorize a large amount of material is easy if you follow these rules:

  1. Before you memorize a large amount of information, you need to understand it. To teach meaningless texts is absolutely useless. But it's worth taking care of the material, how it will settle in the head.
  2. To memorize a material with it, you need to work: draw up diagrams, a plan, draw pictures, and break all the material into parts. The more manipulation and reflection will be on the educational information, the easier it will be perceived by the brain.
  3. It is necessary to understand at what time your brain remembers better. For the larks, this could be morning, and for the owls - late evening. In a time-saving period, you can spend much less time studying the material.
  4. You can not teach with one block. It is necessary to take breaks and periodically return to the learned. Repeating all the material several times is unrealistic, so it's better to run through the minds of the main points of the studied.
  5. Do not deprive yourself of sleep, since it is in this state that the brain organizes all information. If time is sorely lacking, it is worth to sleep for at least a couple of hours and again to start studying the information.
  6. One of the best ways how to learn to remember is imagery. Imagine all the information in the form of a film, try to see it in images. The more vivid the visual picture, the better the material will be remembered.