Lose weight on buckwheat

Losing weight on buckwheat is becoming an increasingly popular way to lose weight, because in this mess there is all that is necessary for normal life of the body, but it is low-calorie. For 7-14 days of diet, you can lose up to 10 kg of weight without harming your health.

Benefits of buckwheat in the matter of losing weight:

How to use?

Prepare this groats in the usual way, filling it with water in a ratio of 1: 2 and placing it on a stove. Literally in 10-15 minutes, when all the water evaporates, you can eat porridge. However, those who want to get the maximum benefit from its use, it is worth knowing how to steal buckwheat for weight loss and increase the weight loss effect. Dry cereals, green and not brown, pour boiling water in the proportion of 1: 2, wrap and leave for the night. Take during the day in any amount without adding salt, sugar, etc.

Kasha can be washed down with water, but it's best to bet on losing weight with buckwheat and kefir. The beneficial properties of this drink can be said for a very long time, but the main thing that it does is improve digestion and colonize the intestines with useful bacteria. Those who are interested in how to cook buckwheat for weight loss, you can answer that the drink can be used for both drinking and adding to the porridge.

Diet in the diet

It is clear that eating for 2 weeks only buckwheat, kefir and water is very difficult, and for the body is not very good, because this cereal removes sugar from the body, and the lack of glucose can lead to headaches. The lack of salt is fraught with dizziness and decreased mental activity. Therefore, food can be slightly varied, eating buckwheat with vegetables for weight loss, dried fruits and honey. You can also include any unsweetened fruit in the diet. Any of these products can be eaten either separately or together with porridge, but honey is best added to the water used in the early morning on an empty stomach.

The last time to get out of the table is allowed 4 hours before bedtime, but if there is a feeling of hunger, you can not tolerate it in any case. You need to eat a carrot, an apple or something else. In addition, simple water can be replaced with freshly squeezed juices. Particular benefit in the fight against extra pounds will bring grapefruit, orange, apple, carrot and beetroot fresh.

To get out of this diet should be gradually, eating a fraction 5-6 times a day and continuing to consume buckwheat porridge. Cook steamed, boiling or baking from lean meat, fish and vegetables. From fatty and fried foods, convenience foods and fast food must be abandoned completely, until the weight stabilizes, and then do not get too carried away by them, like baking and baking. Take yourself for the rule of eating for dinner buckwheat for weight loss, always, washing down with a glass of kefir. This will contribute to the fact that the body will work as a clock, and the problem of slagging and constipation will never arise before this person.

Having introduced diversity into your life and interested in any kind of sport, you can fix the result for many years and stay in shape until old years.