Harm to Coca Cola

Popular products from Coca-Cola Company are sold all over the world, and many purchase it without thinking about the composition. But in fact among the components of this drink there is not one useful, or at least harmless to humans. From this article you will learn how harmful Coca-Cola is.

Calorie Coke

For 100 g of Coca-Cola there are 42 kcal, that is, a standard bottle of 0.5 liters has an energy value of 210 kcal. This is about the same as in a bowl of soup, or portions of fish with vegetable garnish. Drinking just one such bottle a day, you load the body as if you once ate. Accordingly, the weight of this increases.

Composition and harm of Coca Cola

To understand if it is harmful to drink Coca-Cola, you need to study what kind of product it is. The composition of Coca-Cola is represented mainly by chemical components - carbonated water, burnt sugar, caffeine and phosphoric acid. In addition, the composition includes a mysterious "Merhandiz-7" - a component whose composition is kept in the strictest secrecy, since it gives this favorite taste to many. As it is easy to see, there are no useful components in the composition of the drink.

The amount of sweeteners in the beverage goes off scale: if you give an example of the ratio, there are 8 pieces of refined sugar per 1 cup of cola! Would you drink such tea? And in the soda containing orthophosphoric acid, we do not even notice the luscious taste. By the way, the very acid eats away rust - some people use this soda as an excellent cleaning agent. It has been experimentally proved that the Coke for a long time is able to dissolve the human tooth.

Harm to Coca Cola

The most obvious harm causes the body a large amount of carbon dioxide. Getting into the body, it weakens the valve located between the stomach and esophagus, which causes heartburn, and also harms the liver and gall bladder.

A huge amount of sugar quickly breaks teeth and provokes the development of acne. Regular use of cola provokes blood sugar jumps and can cause diabetes.

Caffeine, which is rich in Coca-Cola, promotes the excretion of minerals from the body, contributes to the fragility of bones and disorders in the work of the nervous system (especially in children).

Orthophosphoric acid destroys the teeth and corrodes the gastric mucosa, provoking the development of ulcers, and also cleanses calcium from the bones that the body tries to protect against its destructive effects.

Summarizing, we can say with certainty that by excluding Coca-Cola from the shopping list, once and for all, you and your family will be reliably protected from a number of diseases and health problems.