Fresh figs - good and bad

This product is more often consumed in dried form, so many of us simply do not know about the benefits and harms of fresh figs. But the doctors say that the newly harvested figs contain far more substances than the dried ones.

The use and harm of fresh figs for the body

  1. For immunity . In the newly harvested fruits of this plant contains a huge amount of vitamin C, necessary for the normal functioning of the immune system. Using fresh figs during a cold, you can get rid of the symptoms of this disease much faster.
  2. With menstruation . Also in the fruits are iron , potassium, magnesium and phosphorus, so the use of fresh figs for women is difficult to overestimate. As you know, during menstruation, the hemoglobin level is greatly reduced, and this can lead to very serious consequences, but if you include figs in your diet, you can avoid such a nuisance. A large amount of iron in combination with, no less significant calcium content, contributes to the normalization of the blood composition and prevents the destruction of bone tissue. Therefore, women are advised to eat 2-3 fetuses a day during menstruation, as well as a couple of days before it starts.
  3. For the intestine . Another benefit of fresh figs for the body is that this product helps to establish a digestive process, it is recommended to use it for those who suffer from severity in the stomach after eating, constipation, bloating and flatulence . If you eat 1-2 inflorescences half an hour before a meal, you can get rid of these symptoms or at least significantly reduce their manifestation. Doctors advise to pass a kind of supporting course of procedures, that is, for 2 weeks before each meal, take 1-2 pieces of figs, during this time the pain after eating and increased gas production will pass, and the chair will become more regular.

Composition of fresh and dried figs