Are they getting fat from watermelon?

Hot summer season is invariably associated with watermelons. These giant striped berries, incredibly juicy and sweet, seem to be ideal for an easy summer menu. It's just impossible to resist and not eat a couple of kilograms of this delicacy, and then dejectedly think, whether they get fat from the watermelon. Many people who are overweight or unwilling to buy it, limit themselves to eating delicious berries for fear of getting better. And they do not do it right. After all, according to experts, watermelons are simply an inexhaustible source of valuable substances. But, unfortunately, the season of this sweet dessert passes very quickly, and therefore it is foolish to deprive yourself of the opportunity to enjoy a tasty and useful treat due to your own incorrect knowledge.

Watermelons are very rich in vitamins, and since berries are almost always eaten fresh, they all come in full to the human body. In the composition of the striped giants, you can find vitamin C, carotene, B vitamins, as well as rare amino acids, mineral compounds, antioxidants, organic acids, and the like. Due to this watermelon has a beneficial effect on digestion, removes ballast substances from the intestines, cleans cells, optimizes metabolism , promotes natural withdrawal from the liver and kidneys of sand and small stones, normalizes blood pressure and work, can be a means of preventing cancer. And yet, nutritionists warn against uncontrolled consumption of sweet berries, especially for people with chronic diseases and those who are prone to obesity.

Can I gain weight from a watermelon?

95% of the pulp of watermelon consists of water, it also has a lot of sugars, but the calorie content of the berry is only 27 kcal per 100 grams. And yet you can recover from berries, especially if there are already problems with excess weight. The water present in the pulp of watermelon can lead to the formation of edema. And if in the body there is an excess of fatty deposits that worsen water-salt metabolism, the appearance of puffiness is almost inevitable.

In addition, watermelon is not conducive to saturation, it is suitable only for the role of a light snack, not a full meal. On the contrary, this fruit stimulates the production of gastric juice, thereby increasing appetite, and this can lead to overeating and the appearance of extra pounds. Abusing watermelons, a person deprives himself of other valuable substances, imbalances occur, which leads to negative consequences, including overweight.

Many people are worried about not only the problem, whether they get fat from watermelon, but also a similar question about the melon. It is also very useful, rich in vitamins and trace elements, but it also has a lot of carbohydrates . In addition, melon is heavily digested and poorly combined with other foods, so it can not be eaten in the evening and after heavy meals. In large quantities from it is quite possible to recover.

Under what conditions can you gain weight from a watermelon?

Those who are very fond of the striped berry and are interested in why they get fat from watermelon, should know that:

In order not to recover from watermelon, they should replace basic meals, while limiting themselves in baking and baking. A good solution will also be watermelon unloading days a couple of times a week.

Do they grow from watermelon at night?

Watermelon can be quite afforded as a harmless snack at night. But before that you can not eat anything salty. The meal should be 2 hours before bedtime. Watermelon at night you need to eat in a very moderate amount - 300-400 grams.