Proper nutrition in summer

Who will argue with the fact that summer is the best time for weight loss and diets. The abundance of fruits and vegetables has to eat properly. However, the summer is at the same time the time for shish kebabs and ice cream, from which it is extremely difficult to refuse. How to keep the right balance and take maximum benefit from the summer season?

Healthy summer food

Of course, in shish kebabs it is not worth denying yourself, when you can still taste them, if not in the summer. The main thing - everything should be in moderation. With the right side dish and snacks, even the shish kebab does not stay in extra pounds. The hot climate does not have to heavy food. People living in a tropical climate with high humidity prefer light fat products. Nutrition is due to seasonality and weather, not in vain exactly in the summer pulls us on okroshka, and in winter you want to taste borscht. So, the correct diet in the summer involves several rules:

  1. Heat and heat are themselves a test for the body. Do not add to it the test, forcing to digest heavy and fatty foods. In winter, more caloric food is needed for the body to generate energy, thanks to which it will be able to produce heat. In the summer, so much energy is not required and everything that you ate, threatens to "settle" in the fatty deposits.
  2. Meal in the summer implies not only a decrease in the load on the intestines, but also compliance with the time regime. So, in the afternoon, preference is given to light dishes, leaving the heavier for the evening. The hotter the weather, the easier food should be.
  3. Very important and the water balance, because in the summer the body loses a lot of water coming out with sweat. To restore the balance, you need to replenish the body's water reserves. This can be done not only with the help of water and tea, but also with the help of food. For example, most of the liquids contain the following vegetables and fruits: watermelon (97%), cucumber (95%), tomatoes (95%), melons (92%), grapefruit (97%), orange (85%) and others.
  4. Summer is a time when you need to store vitamins and trace elements before a long fall and winter. Therefore, it is important to include in your diet as much as possible vegetables, fruits, berries. All this should be as fresh as possible.

Proper nutrition in the summer can help to lose weight. A balanced diet will provide you with excellent health and a healthy appearance.

Correct food in the summer menu

To get the most benefit from the summer season, you need to pay attention to your diet. A few elementary rules will help to maintain themselves in the form of:

  1. Just in the summer it is quite possible to replace the usual garnish in the form of potatoes and pasta with vegetables. Cauliflower, zucchini, eggplant can be a wonderful alternative to them.
  2. There is a need for those vegetables and fruits for which the season is at the moment. For example, if cauliflower has already ripened in the kitchen gardens, it's time to buy it, but not before.
  3. Summer is the time of fresh greenery. Add dill, parsley, coriander, basil is not necessary during cooking, and after - in the already prepared dish. So you save the maximum of use.
  4. Such popular in summer and favorite salads from vegetables it is desirable to fill with vegetable oil instead of mayonnaise. It is much more useful and easier for the stomach. As an alternative, you can use sour cream.

A balanced diet in the summer is useful for weight loss and health. To the summer season has benefited, choose only the freshest and natural.