Pregnancy is 33 weeks - the weight of the fetus

33 weeks is the gestation period equal to 8 obstetric months. And with the beginning of the ninth - the last month, a woman becomes increasingly harder to bear a child. A significant role in this is the weight of the future baby. Let's find out what the average parameters of the fetus are at this stage.

Fetal weight in 33 weeks

With normal development, if there are no abnormalities, the weight of the unborn baby, which is in the womb, is, on average, 2 kg. But, since all babies are born different, already at this stage they can differ markedly. Limits of the norm of weight for a 33-week-old baby - from 1800 to 2500 g. This indicator can be determined with a small error by ultrasound.

If the baby has gained more weight, the future mother can recommend an operative method of delivery. A planned caesarean section is indicated for women with a too narrow pelvis, and also for those with a pelvic presentation of the fetus. The fact that a large baby is already too tight in the uterus, and he is unlikely to turn over, it happens only in rare cases.

Every day the baby collects about 20 grams, while the woman herself should recover at least 300 grams per week. If weight gain too small - this is the reason for an additional visit to the doctor.

Every pregnant woman should know that adherence to any diets for a smaller weight gain is fraught with serious problems for the child, and risking his health in order to gain less kilograms and then lose weight faster after childbirth is simply unacceptable. It is very important at the end of pregnancy to control the weight of both the future baby and his mother.

As for other indicators of pregnancy, in addition to the weight of the fetus, on the 33-34 week its growth is usually 42-44 cm, in size at this time it resembles pineapple.