What is harmful juice from chokeberry ashberry?

The possibility of using black chokeberry is discovered relatively recently. These are black berries that contain a huge amount of vitamins and minerals. It is best to eat berries and drink fresh juice - it ripens in the fall.

Useful properties and contraindications of juice of chokeberry

  1. Chokeberry has a large amount of iodine, therefore it is used for the treatment and prevention of thyroid diseases.
  2. Has a cholagogue and cleansing effect.
  3. The juice contains pectin, which supports the work of the intestines.
  4. Normalizes the content of cholesterol in the blood .
  5. Helps to cleanse the body of heavy metals and radioactive substances.
  6. You can eat with a low acidity of the stomach.

Before using the fresh juice of chokeberry, you need to know what it can be harmful. If there are signs of hypertension and angina, you need to find out how much in the juice of the black chokeberry ascorbic acid. Vitamin C contains a huge amount, so it is better to refuse regular use. If the body's blood coagulability is increased, one must be cautious in using juice, because the substances in it can cause blood clots. Also with caution you need to drink juice for people with gastritis and ulcers.

Everyone who decides to start using juice from the black mountain ash for medicinal purposes should consult a doctor.

There are a lot of options for using the juice of chokeberry. It makes an excellent wine, which is also good for health, tinctures, jam, jam. It is possible to use in dried and dried form. And if you have not tried black ashberry, be sure to try it, because it is a treasure trove of valuable substances.