Chicken liver - useful properties

Chicken liver is not only a delicious product, the cost of which is low, but also valuable for health, since it has many useful properties and contains enough nutrients.

Useful properties of chicken liver

First of all, it should be noted that it contains folic acid. The latter supports the active development of the human immune and blood system. Moreover, this meat product is indispensable for those who have a predilection for alcohol. After all, alcohol "washes away" this useful substance.

As for vitamins in the chicken liver, it is a real treasure trove for them. Vitamins E , groups B, C, A, choline help to maintain the human body in norm, thus ensuring its physiological activity.

It will not be superfluous to mention the fact that a small piece of meat eaten replenishes half of the daily norm of ascorbic acid.

Everyone knows that the lack of vitamin B2 leads to the appearance of anemia. Using chicken liver only twice a month, you can fully replenish its stock.

Choline, which was mentioned earlier, has stimulating effects on brain activity, thereby improving mental processes and memory.

Calorie and utility of chicken liver

Dishes from this product are recommended by nutritionists. On 100 g of the product there are only 140 kcal. In addition, even in fried form, the calorie content of the liver does not exceed 180 kcal.

If it is necessary to further lower this index, it is recommended to cook the meat in olive oil.

Proteins, fats and carbohydrates in chicken liver

In 100 g of liver contains 20 g of protein, 7 g of fat and about 0.8 g of carbohydrates . For normal life, a person needs protein. After eating a small piece of this product (about 80-120 g), you can fill this rate by half.