Carbohydrates in food

Both simple and complex carbohydrates for the human body are the same as the sun for plants and trees.

To simple carbohydrates carry the following:

Glucose is the main source of energy for any living organism. First of all, it is necessary for the brain and liver, as well as the heart, kidneys, muscles and other organs. It is glucose that is involved in the synthesis of glycogen - an energy reserve that the body stores in the liver and muscles and mobilizes when there is a sudden shortage of glucose.

Almost all products containing simple carbohydrates are characterized by a sweet taste:

Simple carbohydrates are also called fast, as they are instantly absorbed by the body (glucose is absorbed faster than everyone else) and immediately supplies it with a certain amount of energy - due to the fact that the sugar content in the blood is raised very quickly.

However, almost immediately, with no less speed, the sugar level falls again - because the pancreas injects into the blood large portions of insulin, designed to remove from the blood circulation sugar surplus. For this reason, it is better not to eat too many sweets, replacing them with products containing complex carbohydrates - which do not provoke such a rapid jump in the sugar level.

What foods contain complex carbohydrates?

The most common representative of complex carbohydrates is starch. Thus, we can say that complex carbohydrates are contained in all those products where there is starch - such as:

To the list of complex carbohydrates are also vegetable fibers (such as pectin and cellulose), which are not absorbed by the body and, for this reason, do not supply it with energy. However, these fibers increase the feeling of satiety and are necessary for good intestinal work.

In abundance, plant fibers are found in the skin of fruits, vegetables, legumes, grains and, in general, in unprocessed vegetable products. For example, 1 piece of white bread has only 0.8 grams of vegetable fibers, while in 1 piece of wholemeal bread (black), we find 2.4 grams of such fibers.

Complex carbohydrates are also called long carbohydrates, because they burn much slower than simple carbohydrates - thus being a constant source of glucose for the blood. For example, brown rice releases about two calories per minute, while sugar, burning much faster, emits more than 30 calories per minute.

Complex carbohydrates are superior in importance to simple ones, since they do not cause a sharp rise in blood sugar and provide the body with energy for a longer period. All complex carbohydrates are first broken down to glucose, and only then absorbed by the body.

Sports nutrition and carbohydrates

The most popular sports supplement with a high carbohydrate content is the weight gainer. However, it should be borne in mind that most carbohydrates in the geyner are sugars or other fast carbohydrates and can lead to fat formation even after exercise. Thus, the best choice would be conventional products.

The ideal option is to eat some dish with carbohydrates 2-4 hours before the workout and a small snack (for example, one banana) an hour before the workout.

Try to eat at least 30-50 grams of carbohydrates in the first two hours after training - to restore your muscles. For example, 50 grams of carbohydrates can be found in the following foods:

Is it possible to eat without carbohydrates?

Our body needs to get carbohydrates every day, and we easily find them in all foods. The World Health Organization determines that simple and complex carbohydrates should be 50-55% of the daily diet of a person. Try to take 3-5 grams of carbohydrate every day for every kilogram of your weight - and keep track of which carbohydrates are predominant in the foods most often found on your table.

Carbohydrates are for our body a convenient and easily accessible source of energy. The human body splits the complex carbohydrates entering into it into three components: water, glucose (which is further processed into energy), and carbon dioxide (which is extracted through breathing). In the case when the body is clearly not enough carbohydrates (for example, if you are sitting on a carbohydrate diet), it starts to break down fats and proteins to get energy. And this process is very energy intensive for our body and leads to a fairly rapid weight loss.