Kefir for weight loss

Kefir for slimming is a classic of the genre. Many of us are laying on this lactic acid drink our last hopes of finding the desired harmony, and that the effect comes as soon as possible, replace with kefir all its usual diet. What is the result? Losing excess weight? No, there is something that will come sooner and this is an aversion to such a useful product for life.

Next we will try to figure out where the line between useful weight loss with the help of kefir and ordinary fanaticism, to anything good not leading.


Unlike the daily invented tablets, capsules, slimming drinks, as well as fashion diets, unloading days and slimming on the advice of Hollywood "thin people," the properties of kefir for weight loss are known to us not for the first ten years. Moreover, it is the dieticians of the old school who consider it to be the main trump card on the way to achieving ideal parameters. So, in order of who and why drink kefir:

The above mentioned speaks and proves only one thing - from which side to kefir do not come, all inclines to take kefir for weight loss. But there are always underwater currents ...

Low-fat - then dietary?

We try to create the most favorable conditions for weight loss, and it's not surprising that, being on a diet, your hand will be pulled for fat-free yogurt, for slimming, the less fat, the better.

But the discoveries of scientists as always lead to the embarrassment of mere mortals. According to the latest data, fats contained in dairy products do not lead to a set of excess weight , do not promote the development of atherosclerosis and type 2 diabetes, but are very useful. Now it is considered that they are quickly removed (saturated milk fats) and improve the process of losing weight.

What can we say to this? Fanaticism is not always the right way, especially when it comes to health. Dairy fats contribute to the assimilation of beneficial vitamins and trace elements found in the same dairy products. That is, everything useful can pass through the intestines not digested, just because you preferred 0% to the usual 2.5% and 3.2%. Has it ever occurred to you that the combination of fat and useful substances in kefir not just happened to be close in one bottle?

How to drink kefir?

You, of course, can choose a diet for weight loss on yogurt, that is, a couple of days combine 1.5 liters of kefir and vegetables, fruits, low-fat chicken and beef. The effect will not keep you waiting, but alas, as quickly as all gone, will make no effort, after all, with the return of the usual diet, go back and kilograms.

We suggest that you change and improve gradually. Start with the fact that you will drink daily 2 cups kefir - one morning and one evening.

The morning glass can be improved to a very seductive kefir cocktail. To do this, take 200 ml of kefir, ½ banana, 200 g of berries, mix everything in a blender and thus breakfast.

Evening kefir will promote weight loss during sleep - calcium and milk protein will lead the processes of tissue regeneration.

By changing your diet for such a small amount, soon you will notice cardinal changes, both in the mirror and inside, in your own state of health.