Bouquets of balloons

If you want to learn how to make a bunch of balloons yourself, then this will help you twisting - the art of creating figures from balloons. At such work it is necessary to adhere to following rules:

Bouquets of balloons: master class

You will need:


  1. We inflate the red ball, leaving 3 cm at the end not inflated. To tie a ball it is necessary: ​​to wrap around the middle and index fingers the tip of the ball, insert the tip of the ball into the received loop and tie it.
  2. We connect the two balls with the ends of a dense double knot to make a ring. This ring is folded in half and twisted twice at the folding point.
  3. The folded ball is divided into three parts, twisting both parts of the ball in two places.
  4. Fold the ball with an accordion.
  5. We take the accordion with one hand in the places of twisting, and with the other hand we twist in the center and get a flower.


  1. We inflate the green ball, leaving a bit of free space on the end.
  2. At a distance of 10 cm from the knot we make a bend and twist in the place, at the level of which there is a bundle, so that it hides in the place of twisting.
  3. Insert the stem into the center of the flower.
  4. If necessary, then make the leaves: we take in the middle of the stem 10 cm, twist several times and straighten out the resulting leaves.

Making a bouquet of flowers from balls

1 way:

  1. We take one balloon for modeling, we inflate it, leaving the tip 7 cm. Step 4-5cm from the knot, we twist the leg, and the tail with the knot tightly tied to the place of our twisting - we get a ball.
  2. We connect the ends of the ball to create a closed circle, preliminary measuring the thickness of the bouquet.
  3. The tip of the ball should be cut almost under the knot, so as not to interfere. We got a "ribbon" for a bouquet of balls.
  4. The second ball for modeling is inflated completely, leaving a small tail.
  5. Stepping away from the node 30 cm, we make one big enough loop.
  6. We twist next one more loop of the same size. We keep the second end of the ball from the first identical length. We get a bow.
  7. We connect our bow and "ribbon", and the ends of the bow are beautifully bend.
  8. We put flowers in our "ribbon" with a bow. First
the version of a bouquet of balloons is ready. Using different variants of "ribbons" you can get unusual compositions.

2 way: bouquet on the stand

Use flowers from balls on the stem without twisting leaves.

  1. We align the flowers in height and bind them with a thread
  2. Having determined the height of the composition, we twist the stems together in the place where the stand is fastened.
  3. Blowing off the ends of the balls, we bind them together with a double knot, so as not to be blown away and put the bouquet aside.
  4. For the stand we inflate 5 balls, we connect them with each other three and two.
  5. With five-inch balls do the same. Twos and threes of the balls are twisted together.
  6. To one stem we tie a load of a five-inch ball of water. From the remaining stems we cut off the blown out parts of the balls.
  7. We pass the load through a stand of large balls
  8. Between the large balls and stems we pass a stand of five-inch balls.
  9. We inflate the lilac ball not to the end and make "beads", for which strictly in one direction we do twists on the ball.
  10. The stems of flowers in the middle are covered with "beads", we tie it with a knot, we cut off excess ends.

A bouquet of flowers from balloons is ready!

Using your imagination and these simple techniques of working with balloons, you can make unusual compositions. For example, a bouquet in a basket of inflatable balls looks very beautiful and unusual.

Also from the balls you can make beautiful decorations for a room or a hall: a heart or a garland .